English Grammar in Use Unit 7 Present perfect (I have done)
現在完了形(present perfect)
have / has + 動詞の過去分詞形(past participle)
The road is closed. There has been an accident. 事故があった(新しい情報)ので、この道路は封鎖されている。
"Where is your key?" "I don't know. I have lost it."(= I don't have it know)
have / has + gone (to) と have / has + been (to) の違い
have / has + gone (to)
James is on holiday. He has gone to Italy. 彼はイタリアに今いるか、行く途中。
Jane is back home now. She has been to Italy. 彼女はイタリアに行って(イタリアに行くという行動を過去にした)今は帰ってきた。
現在完了形(present perfect)と合わせて使われることが多い副詞
just ちょうど
I have just had lunch. ちょうどお昼を食べたところです。
already すでに
He has already left. 彼はすでに帰りました。
yet (今のところは)まだ 疑問形か否定形のみ
Has it stopped raining yet? 雨はまだ降り止まないですか?
I've written the email, but I haven't sent it yet. メールを書いたけれど、まだ送っていない。
do, go, have等の動詞は過去形と現在完了形が両方使える
"Is she here?" に対して
"No, she went out." "No, she has gone out." どちらも使えます。
"Are you hungry?" に対して
"No, I just had lunch." "No, I have just had lunch." どちらも使えます。