
01/27/2023 My Week Summarized

This week was fairly relaxing other than the fact that mom was sick. I started on a new book called "You can have what you want" which depicts on putting your mind on convincing you to being able to do what you want just like what the title of the book title portrays. I just started it but I've been enjoying it quite a lot. If you need a book that's aimed towards self-healing as well as confidence, this book was highly recommended by some peers.

I've also been studying for my Fundamentals of Engineering certificate I'll be taking in a month from now. It made me realize how much I did not enjoy school lol! When I'm on my break, I also have been slowly studying my Japanese and will be fully committing to it once I have taken my certificate. So as you can see I have been keeping myself busy when I'm not working or exercising! I'll also try to create new dishes and take some pictures of them on my new articles. Even though I've been busy, I will always make daily articles to show my commitment to writing as this is beneficial for myself. To help myself with Japanese, I also have the Japanese news on so I can slowly understand and eventually be able to know what they're saying. From what I understand this week on Japanese news is that Japan has been experiencing a cold front that happens once in a decade. The Hokkaido region has been severely hit with heavy snow storms and it was so cold that one of the trains stopped and had people on the train relocate. Tokyo has also been really cold where Kyoto snowed! That would be an amazing sight to see and hopefully I'll be able to see it in the near future. As for now, I hope everyone stays safe, warm, and make sure that you're all enjoying your deserved relaxing weekend so that you can work hard again in the next week!
