
HBCラジオ カーナビラジオ午後一番にちょっとだけ出た。

ちなみに、第1位は 大工さん
     第2位は 寿司職人
     第3位は ハガキ職人
     第4位は、畳職人  でした。

Here is the translation:

"On HBC Radio's 'Car Navigation Radio Afternoon Premier!', there is a segment called 'Otonabi.' In this segment, they choose a daily topic and ask listeners to vote, ultimately deciding on the top 5. Today's topic was 'When you think of a craftsman, what comes to mind?' I listen to the show almost every day while working, and never did I imagine I would be mentioned. When they announced that a knife sharpening craftsman ranked fifth, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. I was delighted when the host, YASU-san, mentioned the name of my shop, 'Chouten.' Also, I couldn't help but smile when I listened back to the segment on Radiko's Time Free."
