
"Look at his eyebrows and his cheekbones," continues our local guide. "And look at how big and strong he is. The girls go crazy over him."≒ (CNN)—「あそこを見て。あの人がこの道に来るのを見て?」 ティムールに尋ねます。 「彼はとても格好良い。」


(CNN) — "Look over there. See that man coming this way?" asks Timur. "He's so good looking."
Galloping towards us on a stout Mongolian steed is the nomad's version of Brad Pitt returning home in "Legends of the Fall." Bundled inside a pinto jacket above richly embroidered trousers, he certainly catches the eye. A fox fur hat warms his head, and perched calmly on his right forearm is a golden eagle that's not merely a prop for a cheesy cologne advertisement.
"Look at his eyebrows and his cheekbones," continues our local guide. "And look at how big and strong he is. The girls go crazy over him."
"It's true," says Timur's wife, Bata, blushing slightly. "If I was to compare him with Timur just on looks, of course I would choose him."
Upon closer inspection, the intruder's weathered face betrays a life lived outdoors. But his jaw is certainly chiseled and his natural squint reminds me of a youthful Clint Eastwood as he gazes off into the distance.

Jenisbek Tserik, whose name means "steel warrior," is a semi-nomadic Kazakh.
Mark Daffey
Arguably more impressive though is his stature, which I only begin to appreciate once he stands beside four other berkutchi, or eagle hunters, who have assembled in front of us for a scheduled photo shoot and interview session. He's close to a head taller, with broad, square shoulders and muscular limbs that are further exaggerated by his bulky attire.

His name is Jenisbek Tserik, an appellation that means "steel warrior" -- an apt description given his achievements. A master horseman, he's also a serial winner of tug-of-war competitions pitting two combatants wrestling a goat carcass.
So adept is Jenisbek that he has been flown to Dubai to compete in exhibition events. For a semi-nomadic Kazakh living in Mongolia's remote, westernmost province of Bayan-Ölgii, any trip abroad would be like visiting another planet. Glitzy Dubai would be a whole different universe.
14 best places to ride and experience horses around the world
Aged 26, Jenisbek tells us he's not married, then jokes that he has five girlfriends, including one in Dubai and another in Kazakhstan, from where 90% of Bayan-Ölgii's resident population originates. I'm unsure if he's serious, but from what Timur and Bata have told me about him, it's not beyond the realms of possibility.
As well as the tug-of-war, Jenisbek is a champion archer, and he's won numerous awards for eagle hunting in Bayan-Ölgii, where the centuries-old pastime is more widespread than anywhere else on the planet.
A proud history

Aged 26, Jenisbek says he's not married -- but has five girlfriends.
Tuul & Bruno Morandi/The Image Bank RF/Getty Images
Eagle hunting can be traced back to a forgotten kingdom in Central Asia, where direct descendants of Genghis Khan settled by the Aral Sea until encroaching Russian Empire forces compelled them to flee to the lawless region of the Altai Mountains in Mongolia.
Then, when the Soviet Union and China established borders either side of them early in the 20th century, the Kazakhs became cut off from their homeland and were unable to return.
They continued to live as semi-nomadic herders in Western Mongolia, where traditional pastimes such as hunting with golden eagles continued, passing from one generation to the next. Since such practices were suppressed in Kazakhstan during Soviet rule, Bayan-Ölgii became the sport's nucleus.
"For a Mongol, it's pride thing to train racehorses. For Kazakhs, their pride is in training eagles to hunt," explains Bata.
Mongolia photos: 18 of its most stunning places
You can see it in the way they walk and how they behave. The five berkutchi know they're being watched and they play up to it, puffing their chests out and stiffening their backs whenever a camera lens points their way. Brows furrow and lips purse like they've been modeling all their lives.
It's a far cry from how life must have been in this part of the world before tourism impinged following the first Golden Eagle Festival, which was staged outside the provincial capital of Ölgii in 1999. But even now, foreigners are hardly stampeding to get here. When I quiz our local facilitator about numbers visiting the region this season, he replies that there are "many."
"How many?" I ask.
"About 800."

From October to March, eagle hunters head off into the mountains in pairs -- one to flush out their prey, the other to release the eagle from high along a ridgeline.
Mark Daffey
Numbers peak around the timing of the festival in early October, and during the smaller scale Altai Kazakh Eagle Festival, held here in Sagsai two weeks earlier. In each, as many as 100 berkutchi test their skills in events where eagles are expected to catch fox skins being dragged behind horses or in races to scoop up a coin off the ground on horseback.
One flirtatious contest involves a whip-cracking woman chasing after a man who doesn't always try overly hard to escape. I could imagine Jenisbek receiving a disproportionate share of lashings these past few years.
Luxury jets whisk VIPs to their destinations in flying palaces
But it's only once the tourists have gone that the eagle hunting season begins. From October to March, hunters head off into the mountains in pairs -- one to flush out their prey, the other to release the eagle from high along a ridgeline.
Prize catches includes foxes and hares, whose luxuriant coats make the warmest hats, just like those crowning Jenisbek and his companions.
Hunts can last for days at a time, and training requires patience as the eagles become accustomed to their handlers and develop the required skills.
Has it caused couples to divorce, I ask Timur, when husbands spend more time with their birds than they do with their wife? He shrugs his shoulders.
When every unmarried woman in the valley is lining up for you, like they are for Jenisbek, who needs a wife?
Getting there: Though Mongolia is currently closed to tourism due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a number of tour companies are now accepting bookings for for the 2021 Golden Eagle Festival in Bayan-Ulgii, which takes place in early October.
(CNN)—「あそこを見て。あの人がこの道に来るのを見て?」 ティムールに尋ねます。 「彼はとても格好良い。」

頑丈なモンゴルの馬に乗って私たちに向かって歩き回っているのは、遊牧民版のブラッド・ピットで、「伝説の秋」で家に帰ります。 刺繍がほどこされたズボンの上にあるピントジャケットの中に同梱されており、彼は確かに目を引く。 キツネの毛皮の帽子は彼の頭を暖め、彼の右の前腕に静かに腰掛けているのは、安っぽいケルン広告の小道具だけではないイヌワシです。
「彼の眉毛と頬骨を見てください」と地元ガイドは続けます。 「そして、彼がどれほど大きくて強いかを見てください。女の子たちは彼の上に夢中になります。」
「それは本当です」とティムールの妻バタはわずかに顔を赤らめている。 「もし私が彼をティムールと見た目だけで比較するなら、もちろん私は彼を選びました。」
綿密な検査の結果、侵入者の風化した顔は屋外での生活を裏切っています。 しかし、彼のあごは確かに彫られており、彼の自然な斜視は、遠くを見つめると、若々しいクリント・イーストウッドを思い出させます。
「鋼の戦士」を意味するJenisbek Tserikは半遊牧のカザフ人です。
おそらく彼の身長は間違いなく印象的ですが、私は彼が予定された写真撮影とインタビューセッションのために私たちの前に集まった他の4人のベルクッチまたはイーグルハンターのそばに立って初めて評価し始めます。 彼は背が高くて背が高く、肩は広く、正方形で、手足は筋肉質で、かさばる服装でさらに誇張されています。

彼の名前は「鋼の戦士」を意味する呼称であるジェニスベクツェリクです。彼の業績を踏まえた適切な説明です。 彼は馬術の達人でもあり、山羊の死体と格闘する2人の戦闘員を競う綱引き競技の連勝者でもあります。
ジェニスベックは熟練していて、エキシビションイベントに出場するためにドバイに飛んでいます。 モンゴルの最西端のバヤンオルギイ州に住む半遊牧のカザフにとって、海外旅行は別​​の惑星を訪れるようなものです。 派手なドバイはまったく別の世界になるでしょう。
26歳のジェニスベクは、彼は結婚していないと私たちに話しました。その後、ドバイとカザフスタンに1人ずつ、5人のガールフレンドがいると冗談を言っています。そこからバヤンアルギイの居住人口の90%が生まれています。 彼が深刻かどうかはわかりませんが、ティムールとバタが彼について私に言ったことから、それは可能性の領域を超えていません。
Tuul&Bruno Morandi / The Image Bank RF / Getty Images
彼らは西モンゴルで半遊牧民として暮らし続け、そこではイヌワシとの狩猟などの伝統的な娯楽が世代から世代へと移り変わりました。 そのような慣行がソビエト統治の間にカザフスタンで抑制されたので、バヤン-アルギイはスポーツの核になりました。
あなたは彼らが歩く方法と彼らがどのように行動するかでそれを見ることができます。 5人のベルクッチは、彼らが監視されていることを知っており、カメラのレンズが方向を向くたびに胸を膨らませて背中を硬くします。 彼らはすべての人生をモデル化してきたように、眉毛と唇の財布を眉毛。
1999年に地方の首都アルギイの外で上演された最初のゴールデンイーグルフェスティバルに続いて観光が影響を受ける前に、世界のこの地域での生活がどうだったかには程遠いものです。しかし、今でも外国人はほとんどここに行こうとはしていません。 地元のファシリテーターが今シーズンこの地域を訪れる数について質問すると、彼は「たくさんある」と答えます。
"幾つ?" お願いします。

数は、10月上旬のフェスティバルのタイミングを中心にピークを迎え、2週間前にサグサイで開催される小規模なアルタイカザフイーグルフェスティバルの期間中にピークを迎えます。 それぞれ、100頭ものベルクッチが、馬の後ろに引きずられているキツネの皮や馬に乗って地面からコインをすくうレースでワシが捕まると予想されるイベントでスキルをテストします。
気を惹くコンテストの1つは、常に逃げようと頑張っていない男性を追いかける鞭打ちの女性です。 ジェニスベックがここ数年、極端な割合の暴力を受けていると想像できます。
しかし、観光客が行って初めて、ワシの狩猟シーズンが始まります。 10月から3月にかけて、ハンターはペアで山に向かいます。1つは獲物を洗い流すため、もう1つは尾根に沿ってワシを高所から解放するためです。

それは夫婦が彼らの鳥と一緒に彼らの妻と一緒に過ごすより多くの時間を過ごすとき、それはカップルを離婚させました、私はティムールに尋ねます? 彼は肩をすくめます。
