

This article was translated from Japanese using Mirai translation and Google translation. Please note that there may be some parts that are difficult to read. I hope this article will be an opportunity to rethink this crisis.

The invasion of Ukraine continues.

It's been over a week, but it doesn't seem to subside at all. Rather, it seems that the situation is getting worse, such as attacks on civilians and occupation of nuclear power plants.

Even during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, this was apparently not the case (I wasn't born yet, so I don't know the details).
Did the brakes work somewhere in those days?
Is there anyone who can stop this now?

Why did this happen?

Whether Ukraine enters NATO or the EU, Russia shouldn't be like this. Ukraine is an independent nation, so it is natural.

However, they invaded Ukraine under the pretext of "threatening Russia's security". The war has begun.

No war should be fought for any reason.

No reason is an excuse for an invasion or war.

the people of Ukraine whose peace and daily life has been destroyed,

The people of Ukraine who are forced to fight to restore their daily lives in order to protect their homeland,

the Ukrainian diaspora, their families in Ukraine, their homeland,

President and Ukrainian government struggling to protect their country and citizens,


The grief and anger of these people is painfully conveyed.

What should not be mistaken here is that many Russians do not want war.

The same is true for Russian military people(Except for some humans).

What is the root of all evil? I wonder who.

Could it be President Putin?

I thought so.

Was the invasion created not by Russia but by Putin, his aides and some senior officials?

There seems to be a growing trend of bashing and attacking Russian people on the Internet (mainly on social media).

That would be completely beside the point. I think so.

In Russia, many people have demonstrated against the war and many have been detained by the police.

The United Nations failed to prevent this war.

If true, the United Nations should do something about it.

The United Nations has not been able to end the war in more than a week, let alone prevent it. A resolution condemning Russia is not binding.

The United Nations does not seem to have made any progress since the end of World War II.

First of all, it is a permanent member of the Security Council.

America, Britain, France, China and Russia.

All of these countries won World War II.

The United Nations still seems to be dragging its feet on World War II.

said an acquaintance.

"It is strange for Russia, one of the world's leading U.N. nations, to start a war. And with a false accusation…"

I think so.

The UN must stop this crisis and Mr. Putin.

Japan must take the lead in stopping this crisis.

This is because Japan is the only country to have suffered atomic bombings during the war and has a responsibility as an advanced democracy.

However, Japan has a territorial dispute with Russia over the Northern Territories. Japan is in a delicate position.

The grief of the residents who illegally occupied the island is a very important issue.

As I wrote, the Northern Territories issue and the invasion of Ukraine are essentially and fundamentally the same, aren't they?

After all, shouldn't Japan take the lead in dealing with this crisis?

No, but ...

It's difficult.

I can't seem to stop.

I feel strong anger and fear at statements that threaten nuclear use.


Why did you start the war?

Why did you start the invasion?

Why do you bring up nuclear weapons?

Why are you negotiating in Belarus?

Why do you deceive your soldiers?

Why do they attack nuclear power plants?

Why do you manipulate information?

Why don't you stop the war?

Do you have the right to attack Ukraine?

Do you have the right to deprive Ukraine of its sovereignty?

Do you have the right to seize Ukrainian territory?

Do you have a right to war?

How long will the war last?

How long will you be repeating your mistake?

How long are you going to keep killing people?

How long will you make us sad?

What on earth do you want to do?

I don't know.

Mr. Putin, you call the Ukrainian government "neo-Nazis".

But is it not you?

You are doing something useless and futile.

After war, all that remains is ruin.

I want to say loudly.




Let's regain peace !


The headline image was created by hiro to wish for peace between the Earth and Ukraine.

Thank you for reading so far.

The world is in an unprecedented crisis.

But peace will surely return.

Normal days will return to normal days.

Believe that time will come.

hiro (Japanese junior high school student)

Original (Japanese)

最後まで読んでくれてありがとうございます(*^▽^*) うれしいです♪ また読みにきてくださいね(^^/