
December 28, 2022: Busy Year-end and New Year Period, Akashiya Sanma san(1) (大忙しの年末年始、明石家さんまさん(1))

This year ends soon, and the New Year will come. It is the busiest time of the year for me. That is the best season to enjoy Akashiya Sanma since I can watch his TV shows more than usual. I have been busy viewing and recording them.
I began on December 20 with "Dancing Sanma Palace, A Three-Hour Special." Then, I watched "HONMADEKKA! TV" the next day. It featured Koh Shibasaki and wives who were frustrated with their husbands. And, to my surprise, December 25 saw two programmes on the air in one day. They were "Sanma No 2022 Grand Prix of the Long-Lived" and "Akashiya Santa No Big Presents Show 2022." Then, five days later, I must watch "Ametalk!" in which he talks with young comedians. Immediately the New Year begins, I start with "Santaku" on January 1, and the season will end with "Sanma No Manma" on January 2.
Any of them are two-hour or longer shows with belly laughs. So, I need enough physical strength to stand watching them for long hours. But I am no longer strong enough to view all of them live and have recorded them to entertain later. Above all, I can no longer watch the second show on December 25. The show is on at midnight, but it is so funny that it makes me lose sleep.
Sanma san makes me enter the New Year with big laughs.

 年末年始は、テレビ番組の録画と視聴で大忙しです。この時期は、ボクの大好きな明石家さんまさんの番組をたっぷりと楽しめる時期です。12月20日の「踊るさんま御殿 3時間スペシャル」が始まりです。翌日は、「超ホンマでっか!?TV 柴咲コウのガチ相談&ウチの夫が謎すぎるSP」です。そして、25日はなんと「爆笑!明石家さんまのご長寿グランプリ2022」と「明石家サンタ史上最大のクリスマスプレゼントショー2022」が放送されました。そして、30日にアメトークで売れっ子若手芸人とのトークをみます。

