
January 25, 2022:コロナ関連のニュース、ツッコミ、疲れる、見ない、今後 (News about COVID-19, Grumbles, Exhausted, Guess)

 My wife and I had better not watch TV news shows for a while at home. In particular, we should not hear the news about COVID-19 since either one of us always grumbles about it.
 I tend to complain about what government leaders, officials and local governors do or say. When the experts of a monitoring meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government was reported to forecast that the number of daily new COVID-19 cases would exceed 18,000, I grumbled, “What is their point? No expert is necessary for the forecast. Even I can guess it based on the information available on the Internet. It is crazy that they gathered at the hall to report the number. They should do it online since they strongly require Tokyo residents to stay at home.”
 My wife tends to grumble about scenes of a town like Shibuya or Shinbashi. She points out that it still bustles with people or that guests in a restaurant do not keep a safe distance from others.
 I am getting exhausted from hearing both the news and her complaints. Accordingly, I am determined to avoid them as much as possible. If I find it on TV, I will change the channel immediately.
 I guess that the daily infection cases of the Omicron variant will continue to increase and will peak at one hundred thousand based on the information from Europe and the United States. I must find how to protect myself from the Omicron variant.

