
November 25, 2022: Good Sashimi, My Wife, Salmon (1) (おいしい刺身、ぼくの妻、サーモン(1))

The other day, my wife stopped at a fish store on her way home from her office and bought Sashimi. The plate consisted of tuna, squid, sweet shrimp, salmon roe and others but had nothing special or new. Nevertheless, I enjoyed them so much. They were fresh and delicious. Above all, tuna was fatty and very good. The store is one of our favourite fish stores since its fish is always fresh and tasty. But, we have recently had no chance to visit it since we had no business around it. However, she now has more occasions to stop at it. The store is in a station building nearest to her office. Thus, she can shop at it whenever she wants to. It is one of the changes in our daily life since she began to work. I am grateful for the change.
The salmon on the plate reminded me of fresh Norwegian salmon. I received it as a souvenir when I visited my customer in Bergen, Norway. As soon as I came home and passed it to my wife, she cut it for Sashimi, and our family enjoyed it. And, we still had a half left untouched and shared it with her friends.
More Norwegian salmon may be made available for the Japanese at a lower cost. A Norwegian company starts farming salmon in Japan.

 先日、妻が仕事帰りに、勤務先の最寄り駅のビルに入っている魚屋さんで 刺身の盛り合わせを買ってきてくれました。種類はマグロ、イカ、甘エビ、いくら等々で、他のものと代わり映えしませんが、どれも新鮮でおいしかったです。特に、マグロは脂が乗っていてすごくおいしかったです。この店の魚はいつも新鮮でお気に入りです。でも、この店の周りに用事がなかったため、最近は行く機会がありませんでした。ところが、今は状況が変わり、妻が立ち寄る機会ができました。この店は妻の勤務先の最寄り駅の駅ビルにはいっているのです。そのお陰でいつでも立ち寄ることができるようになりました。妻が仕事を始めたことによる変化の一つです。ありがたいことです。
