
June 8, 2022: My Favourite Barbershop, Owner, Massage (行きつけの散髪屋、マスター、マッサージ)

      I happened to see the owner of my favourite barbershop when I was walking in one morning. It was my big surprise to see him on a bicycle approaching me. I had never seen him around that time. I stopped walking to talk with him. He was on his way to his shop after receiving a massage. He is about the same age as me. As he gets older, it is getting tough for him to keep standing to cut hair. He always suffers from various physical ailments. He needs to receive a massage regularly.
    I have used the barbershop for about twenty-five years. It is a very long-term relationship. We get so friendly as to talk honestly with each other. It is time for me to go to the shop. My last visit was two months ago when I had my hair cut for my daughter’s wedding party. My hair does not grow as fast as before due to ageing.

