
March 20, 2022:千原ジュニアさん、人工股関節手術、術後の状態 (Chihara Junior, Hip Replacement Surgery, Post-Surgery Condition)

 I am a fan of Chihara Junior, a comedian. I heard that he suffered from idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head and underwent hip replacement surgery. He is reporting his conditions after surgery on his YouTube video. He looks exhausted and sleepy and has some pain.
 I had the same experience. It was twenty-six years ago. After the surgery, I was so sleepy that I had slept like a sleepwalker for twenty-four hours. However, I was fortunate to have no pain.
 He shows a post-surgery x-ray image in his video. I have taken the same ones for these twenty-six years.

