
October 15, 2022: Online Morning Book Club, ‘Live with Our Opinion’ (2) (オンラインモーニング読書会、「自分の意見で生きて行こう(2)

There are remarks similar to opinions. They are reactions. A lot of them can be seen on TV programs. When a comedian remarks, other comedians tell him if it is true. It is a reaction. The difference between opinions and reactions depends on whether it shows the speaker's position. When an app was launched to confirm contact with a person with COVID-19 disease, there were plenty of remarks. Some criticised the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. These belong to opinions since they stood against it. But there was a remark asking if there was nothing wrong with the subcontractor. It is a reaction and not an opinion. It does not have the position of the speaker.
Thus, opinions are remarks that clarify the positions of speakers. We need some steps to see if they are an opinion or not. First, we must make a standard to classify it. Then, we determine the category it falls under. If it belongs to any of them, it belongs to an opinion, and if not, a reaction.

