
December 12. 2021:12月12日、誕生日、性格、相関性 (December 12, Birthday, Character, Correlation)

 Today is December 12. The date is 1212 in numbers and sounds pleasing to the ear. Like the date, my birthday is also simple. It is January 23 and 123 in numbers. The number may affect my character. I am a simple-minded person, i.e. I am short-sighted, reckless and impatient. I also want a yes or no answer and hate complexities. It has caused me a lot of regrets and failures.
 My birthday is the same as Taro Hakase, a violinist. He has shown me his great violin performances and amused me with his comical talks at his concerts. Unlike me, He has a sensitive nature and subtle skills in playing the violin.
 It seems that the birthday has nothing to do with the character.

 今日は12月12日で、「いちに、いちに」と並びのいい日です。ボクの誕生日も単純です。 1月23日で、「いち、に、さん」です。ボクの性格は「いち、に、さん」のように単純です。物事を単純に考え、決めたことはまっしぐらに進む、割り切りが早い、Yes or Noをはっきりさせたい等々単純明快な性格です。そのため、後悔したり、失敗することも多々あります。
