
November 18, 2021:空いている電車、鉄道事業者、自動車業界、 (Uncrowded Train, Railway Companies, Automobile Companies)

 Last Thursday, I took a train around seven o’clock in the morning to visit a hospital for a checkup of my hip joints. To my surprise, the train had few passengers, and I could get a seat. It was hardly possible to get a seat around the same time before the COVID-19 outbreak.
 The COVID-19 has had a significant impact on railway companies. They are now in a severe business environment and may have to raise their fares, reduce the number of trains in operation and remove train passes shortly. The COVID-19 requires them to change their business base.
 Automobile companies are also in a severe environment. It is due to a breakthrough in information technologies.
 It may be no coincidence that the breakthrough has come simultaneously with the COVID-19. It may not be improbable that both derive from the same source.

