
October 19, 2022: Cold Calls (2), the Most Wretched Call (勧誘の電話(2)、最悪の経験)

It was in my twenties that I received the most wretched cold call. At that time, I lived in a company’s dormitory. One day, the housemother came to my room to tell me that she had a phone call for me. So, I took the call. Then, the caller called my family name to check if he was not speaking to the wrong person. After that, he began to talk about his business. I heard it for a while, though I had been mad about him calling my family name. Thus, I found it soliciting something and slammed it down while he was talking. Ten minutes later, I was told by my housemother that she had a phone call again. I took it, and it was the second call from him. He ranted at me about my slamming down the previous call. I retorted that his call discomforted me since he should not have known my phone number. I also yelled at him, “It is you that is rude!” Then, he threatened to storm into my dormitory to complain to me and hang up. After that, nothing happened. He did not come to my dormitory.
It was a great lesson on how to respond to cold calls. Since then, I have tried to end such a call as quickly as possible without being uncomfortable.

