
January 21, 2022:ゾウ、タイ土産、記憶力、One Note (Elephants, Souvenirs from Thailand, Memories, One Note)

 I have two elephant figurines from Thailand that are easy to break. One of them dropped from a shelf five years ago, and the neck came off. I immediately bonded it with a strong adhesive. The other figurine dropped a week ago, and the nose came off. I must repair it again. Elephants are the national animal of Thailand, and the Thai people highly respect them.
In western countries, elephants are believed to have powerful memories. Around thirty years ago, an elephant was used to promote digital diaries at a French supermarket. It is also used as a symbol of Evernote, an online files storage and management service. It fits the image of the service since it has a good memory.
 As I get older and more forgetful, I need a tool to store data. I currently use an online calendar and One Note, a Microsoft online data storage service.

 年を重ね、忘れっぽくなると、データを保管するツールが欠かせません。現在、オンラインカレンダーとマイクロソフトのOne Notを頼りにしています。
