June 23, 2021: “Yoro Takeshi No Daigenron I” authored by Takeshi Yoro (養老孟司の大言論I 希望とは自分が変わること)

I have been reading “Yoro Takeshi No Daigenron I”. A long time ago (maybe, around 20 years ago), I tried to read his other book “Bakano Kabe” but could not finish it since I was not impressed with it. Since then, I have not read his book at all although I have been interested in him. However, I watched and was very impressed with a TV program that follows the everyday life of Takeshi Yoro. Then, I determined to try reading his book and picked up the book. I have just read one-third of the book, and have already learned a lot from his broader and unique perspectives. At same time, I understood that I have wasted my energy with trivial matters that frustrate me every day. This is the best book to review my life.

今、養老孟司さんの「養老孟司の大言論I」を読んでいます。大昔に「バカの壁」を読んだのですが、あまり刺さらず、途中で止めてしまいました。それ以来、養老孟司さんには感心があったものの、本を読むことはありませんでした。ところが、NHKの「まいにち 養老先生、ときどき まる」という番組を見てから、養老さんの本を読んでみようと気になり、この本を読んでいます。また、3分の1位しか読んでいませんが、非常に面白いです。養老さんの大局観が心に刺さります。日常の出来事に目くじらをたてて、無駄なエネルギーを使っていることを再認識しました。自分の生き方を見直すには最良の書です。
