
Interview Article: What is the most Inspired Career Fly in Japan for international IT engineer at Solairo-vol.2

Today we, Career Fly team, went to the IT company “Solairo“ to understand the experience of an international engineer “How is Career Fly in Japan”. Read on as the international engineer share the experience of working & living in Japan.



CF: Can you talk about your work at Solairo? How is it going? How did you familiarize with Ok Sky system? I think it's pretty unique.

A :  I like the system of flex timing at Solairo. It suits my personality. Also when I joined the company there was an American guy. He made me familiar with Ok Sky system & spoke to me mostly in English. Therefore, it was an easy start professionally as well. And to communicate with my fellow Japanese co-workers I use slack.

CF: Now after year an a half how is it going for you in terms of Japanese language & communicating with your co-workers?

A :  We still use slack, and also I am getting better at my Japanese. 


CF: How big is your team now?

A : My American boss is no more with this organization, so I am doing his work now.
I have a junior developer working with me. He is also a foreigner from Bulgaria & we communicate in English with each other. We both are working on this application. Then there is a parallel team working on AI.

CF: Do you also wish to explore AI (Artifical Intelligence) someday?

A : Yes, I do. But currently, they use the Japanese Language for AI. Maybe in the future, if the company decides to do AI in English, I would love to work on that. It's also my goal.


CF: Do you plan to make your team bigger?

A : Yes, more the better. If there are more people, I can do much more work.

CF: What are your other interests apart from programming?

A : I like building music & developing apps to help build music. I am parallel working on those apps in my free time. I usually build apps that help me. Lol

Continuing to the Vol.3.......
