
文化人類学者になるにはどうしたら良いですか?What should I do to become an anthropologist?


To become an anthologist, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Obtain a bachelor's degree: While there is no specific degree requirement to become an anthologist, having a degree in literature, history, anthropology, or a related field can be beneficial. These degrees provide a strong foundation in the study of literature, culture, and society, which is important for understanding the context and themes of various texts.

  2. Gain experience: To become an anthologist, you need to have a deep understanding of literature, history, and culture. Gain experience by reading widely and exploring different genres, cultures, and time periods. You may also consider working as an assistant to an anthologist or an editor to gain experience in the field.

  3. Build a network: Attend conferences, workshops, and literary events to meet other professionals in the field. Joining professional organizations and online communities can also help you build connections and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and opportunities in the field.

  4. Develop editing skills: Anthologists are responsible for selecting, organizing, and editing texts for publication. Develop your editing skills by taking courses or attending workshops on editing, or by working with an editor or anthologist.

  5. Submit work for publication: As you gain experience and expertise, start submitting your own anthologies for publication. Be prepared for rejection, and continue to refine your work and seek feedback from others in the field.

Becoming an anthologist requires dedication, hard work, and a passion for literature and culture. With persistence and a strong work ethic, you can develop the skills and expertise needed to succeed in this field.
