

1. decent

She wore a decent dress for the job interview.

He is a decent man who always treats others with respect.

[Chinese] 合适的 / 正派的

2. afoul

He ran afoul of the law when he stole the car.

The project ran afoul of unexpected problems.

[Chinese] 违反 / 遇到困难,遇到麻烦

3. ample

There is ample food for everyone.

[Chinese] 充足的 / 丰富地

4. down payment

I made a down payment on the car yesterday.

[Chinese] 首付

5. networking event

I attended a networking event last night and met some interesting people.

[Chinese] 社交活动,交流会

6. as far as

As far as I know, she is not coming.
As far as I'm concerned, the project is a success.

[Chinese] 就…而言 / 在…方面 / 就…来说,等

7. in a nutshell

In a nutshell, the project was a success because we had a great team.

[Chinese] 总而言之,简而言之,简单来说,等

8. be obsessed with

She is obsessed with her new boy friend.

[Chinese] 着迷,痴迷,沉迷,执着,等

9. revitalize

The government is trying to revitalize the economy.

[Chinese] 振兴 ,激活,等 

