








He notes that Japanese students, after managing to gain (a)admission to a university, often have little actual classwork to do. Many spend their abundant spare time working at temporary jobs to supplement sometimes generous (b)allowances from their parents. As a result, he says, “these are probably the richest young people in the world, ---- .”
(a) admission
1. a written or printed paper given by a school to its students
2. a letter or the like recommending a person
3. right or permission to leave
4. right or permission to enter
5. an official document issued by the government of a country
(b) allowances
1. an estimate of the amount of money that can be spent in a given time
2. something owed, and bound to be paid, to another
3. money put in the bank
4. the sum of money or other aid granted to a scholar
5. a sum of money allotted or granted for a particular purpose, as for expenses

We need to be concerned about food production from seed to store ― how our food is grown, harvested, marketed, and arrives on our tables ― and we need to know, too, that alternatives to traditional eating habits are becoming more and more common.
1. bad eating habits are becoming more widespread today
2. an increasing variety of food is more commonly found nowadays
3. traditional foods alternate with new types of food
4. more people today are choosing non-traditional ways of eating

By anticipating the thief’s next move, the police were able to arrive at the bank before the robbery occurred.
1. remembering 2. foreseeing 3. experiencing 4. expressing

(4)次の英文で使われている appreciate とほぼ同じ意味のものを下から選びなさい。
His talents are not fully appreciated in that company.
1. to recognize the good qualities of somebody or something
2. to be grateful for something that somebody has done
3. to understand or realize that something is true
4. to increase in value over a period of time

I disbelieve, and therefore strongly resent, the assertion that I or anybody else could write better or more easily with a computer than with a pencil.
1. assumption 2. discussion 3. insistence 4. supposition

He runs seminars for police officers, teaching them ways to improve their mind-reading skills. The secret? Picking up the passing micro-expressions on our faces that signal what our authentic feelings truly are.
1. real 2. traditional 3. influential 4. impossible

(1)  (a) 4 (b) 5
* (a) admission [ədmíʃən]
(n) [場所への] 入場(の許可)、[組織への] 入会・入学(の許可)

* (b) allowance [əláuəns]
(n) [一定の] 割当量;[ある目的や個人のために割り当てられ確保された一定のお金] 手当、(子供への)小遣い、仕送り

訳「彼の指摘するところによれば、日本の学生は何とか大学に入っても、たいていは実際に授業ですることがほとんどない。(そのため)多くの学生はあり余った暇な時間をアルバイトで過ごし、時には親からの多額の仕送りの足しにする。その結果、「これらの学生たちはおそらく世界で最も裕福な学生となり、- - - - 」と彼は言うのである」

(注1) admissionの動詞 admit について:
[語源・原義]ラテン語 admittere [ad「~の方へ」mittere「送る(=send)」

→(Vt) [入ること=入場・入学・入会] を許可する、受け入れる → 事実を受け入れる、認める(He admitted his mistake.)

(注2) allowanceの動詞 allowについて:
[語源・原義]ラテン語 ① allocare [a「~の方に」locus「場所」を割り当てる] と ② adlaudare [ad「~の方に」+ laudare「ほめたたえる」=「~を称賛して認める」] が古フランス語の段階で合体してできた単語。

→(Vt) [①→ ] 割り当てる(配分する)、与える(He allows his son 5 dollars a week.);[②→ ](要求・主張などを)認める → 許す(I cannot allow such conduct.)

(2) 4
* alternative [ɔːltə́ːrnətiv]
[語源・原義] ラテン語 alternare「交互にする」のalter「もうひとつの」「別の」「他の」から由来。

→(n) 選択(肢)、選ぶべきもの;[alternative to ---] --- の代わりとなるもの(選択肢)、--- の代替案
→(adj) 代わりの;どちらかの

(3) 2
* anticipate (vt) [æntísəpèit]
[語源・原義]ラテン語 anticipare [ante「前に」capere「取る」=「先取りする」「先に気をつける」]

→(vt) 予想する(事前に予測して、何らかの事態に備える)


(4) 1
* appreciate (vt) [əpríːʃièit]
[語源・原義]ラテン語 appretiare「値段をつける」← [ ad「~の方へ」+ pretium「価値、値段」(=英 price)=「~の方へ値段をつける」]

→(Vt) ① 正しく(高く)評価する、価値を認める
② 理解する(← 上記の「認める」から)
 (She does not appreciate how you feel.「彼女はあなたの気持ちを分かっていない」)
     (I appreciate your cooperation.)


(5) 3
*assertion (n) [əsə́ːrʃən]


(6) 1
* authentic [ɔːθéntik]
(adj) 本物の、真正な

訳「彼は警官に講習を行っていて、人の心を読む技を磨く方法を教えている。その秘訣とは? それは、私たちの本当の気持ちがどうなのかを表す、顔を一瞬よぎるわずかな表情を見逃さないことである」


(注)解説するにあたっては、「語源英和辞典」、「Online Etymology Dictionary」、「ジーニアス英和辞典」、「goo辞典」、「weblio英和辞典」などを参照しました。
