
  "monster": {
    "name": "Storm Falcon",
    "description": "A majestic and powerful bird, the Storm Falcon is the ruler of the skies during thunderstorms. Its feathers hold the essence of the storm, crackling with electricity.",
    "image_prompt": "Storm Falcon on a cliff with electrified feathers, commanding a storm."
  "stats": {
    "hit_points": "Medium",
    "armor_class": "Medium",
    "speed": "Very Fast (flight)",
    "strength": "Medium",
    "dexterity": "High",
    "constitution": "Medium",
    "intelligence": "Medium",
    "wisdom": "High",
    "charisma": "Medium"
  "abilities": {
    "attack_1": {
      "name": "Lightning Strike",
      "description": "Releases a bolt of lightning from its talons, striking a single target with immense power.",
      "range": "Long",
      "hit_bonus": "High",
      "damage": "High"
    "special_ability_1": {
      "name": "Thunderclap",
      "description": "Creates a deafening clap of thunder, stunning nearby enemies.",
      "range": "Medium area",
      "hit_bonus": "Low",
      "damage": "Medium (stunning effect)"
  "behavior": {
    "temperament": "Aggressive",
    "social_structure": "Solitary",
    "habitat": "Skies, particularly during storms",
    "diet": "Birds, small mammals"
  "lore": {
    "origin_story": "Believed to be born from the heart of a thunderstorm, the Storm Falcon embodies the ferocity of the storm.",
    "cultural_significance": "Symbolizes power and freedom in many cultures.",
    "known_weaknesses": "Less effective in clear weather, vulnerable to earth-based attacks"