
TRPG-E & Narrative Oracle 1107's World Setting: "Nexus Requiem"


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TRPG-E & Narrative Oracle 1107's World Setting: "Nexus Requiem"





イヴ・マッケンジーの描写: イヴは、雨に濡れながらも、その明るいオレンジ色のネオンライトに照らされた細い路地を静かに歩いています。彼女の姿は、夜の闇に紛れながらも、サイバネティックな義眼が微かに光を放ちます。その瞳は、周囲の環境を分析し、距離や温度、脈拍までも計測できる高度な技術の結晶です。黒革のジャケットは彼女の動きを妨げず、体にフィットした暗い色のパンツとブーツが彼女の機敏な動きを支えています。彼女の手には、未来的なデザインのブレードが隠されており、必要に応じて瞬時に展開できるようになっています。

ネオトーキョーの描写: ネオトーキョーは、昼夜を問わずにエネルギーに満ち溢れています。高層ビルの間を無数の飛行車が行き交い、その光の筋が都市の空に複雑なパターンを描きます。地上では、人々がデジタルディスプレイの広告や店頭のホログラムに引き寄せられています。ビルの壁面全体がスクリーンとなり、最新のファッションやエンターテイメントが宣伝されています。電子音楽が至る所から漏れ聞こえ、それはこの街の生命線のようです。

オープニングナレーションのシーンの描写: イヴが情報の源へと向かう際のシーンは、ネオトーキョーの裏通りを通じて展開します。彼女が通ると、機械の目を持つストリートチルドレンが静かに道を譲ります。彼らはイヴを畏怖と尊敬の目で見つめています。彼女が歩む足音には決意が込められており、その静かだが確かなリズムが周囲の雑踏の中でもはっきりと聞こえます。目的地に近づくにつれて、イヴは情報を探るために、サイバースペースにアクセスする準備を始めます。彼女の意識がニューラルインターフェースを通じてNexusに接続され、情報の海に潜るのです。


In the year 2150, the world has transformed into the ultimate embodiment of the cyberpunk ethos. Mega-corporations rule the skylines with their neon-lit skyscrapers, while the streets buzz with the electric lifeblood of the net. Cybernetic enhancements are not just common; they are the fabric of society, intertwining flesh with machinery and circuitry. 

Every individual's consciousness is tethered to the 'Nexus', a vast digital network that spans the globe and is accessible through neural interfaces implanted at birth. The Nexus is a digital playground for some, a battlefield for others, and for a few, it's a deep well of infinite knowledge. It shapes economies, influences governments, and is the pulse of every waking moment. 

In this world, hackers are the new age wizards, their keystrokes casting spells that can protect or corrupt the very essence of humanity. Artificial Intelligence has evolved into sentient digital entities, some benevolent guardians of human progress, others insidious shadows within the net, plotting for control.

The dichotomy of wealth is stark; the upper echelons live in aerial citadels, their lives a symphony of luxury and technology, while the masses huddle in the undercity, a labyrinth of decay, hope, and raw survival instinct. 

This is a world where the line between the organic and the artificial is blurred, where every thought can be data-mined, and every emotion can be synthesized. It's a world that beckons with the siren song of the future, a tune both alluring and ominous.


1. Zenith-Tech: A behemoth in the field of cybernetic enhancements and neural interface technology. Zenith-Tech is known for its sleek design and cutting-edge advancements, making it a common name among the affluent society. They hold significant control over the Nexus, with rumors suggesting they have secret layers within the network that house AI entities serving their agenda.

2. Nova Dynamics: Specializing in energy and propulsion systems, Nova Dynamics also plays a key role in maintaining the city infrastructure. Their latest venture into anti-gravity technology has made them a crucial part of the upper city's daily functioning, as well as the rising star in the transportation sector.

3. Cipher Syndicate: Operating from the shadows, this corporation is a network of hackers, information brokers, and black market tech dealers. Their influence extends into the very code of the Nexus, often engaging in espionage and data heists.


1. The Neon Guard: A vigilante group dedicated to protecting the undercity from corporate exploitation. They are cybernetically enhanced warriors who use their skills to disrupt the mega-corporations' grip on society.

2. The Ascendants: A cult-like organization that believes in transcending human limitations through cybernetic ascension. They are both feared and revered, and their members are often the subjects of radical and experimental augmentations.

3. The Data Drifters: A loose collective of freelancers, hackers, and tech savants who navigate the Nexus for various clients. Their allegiance is to the highest bidder, and their operations range from data recovery to digital assassination.

4. The Unity League: An alliance of smaller corporations and independent businesses trying to survive amidst the corporate giants. They offer support and resources to each other, striving for a semblance of democracy and fairness in the corporate-dominated world.

These entities shape the power dynamics within the cyberpunk city, creating a complex web of alliances, rivalries, and subterfuge.

Additional World Setting Items to Consider:

1. Social Structure
2. Law and Order
3. Technology and Innovation
4. Economy and Trade
5. Culture and Entertainment
6. Health and Medical Care
7. Education and Knowledge Dissemination
8. Urban Planning and Infrastructure
9. Environment and Ecology
10. Religion and Beliefs
11. International Relations and Political Forces
12. Security and Defense
13. Nexus Influence and Management
14. Illegal Activities and Criminal Organizations
15. Media and Information Flow
16. Demographics and Social Stratification
17. Extraterrestrial Expansions (e.g., Space Stations)
18. Lifestyles and Daily Living
19. Science and Research Frontiers
20. Cyberpunk Ethics and Philosophy

Social Structure:

In the cyberpunk city, society is stratified into distinct layers. At the pinnacle are the 'Architects', those who control the mega-corporations and hold sway over the Nexus. Below them are the 'Enhanced Elites', individuals with high-grade cybernetic enhancements who occupy positions of power in society.

The middle layer, 'Tech-Middle Class', is composed of skilled workers and professionals who maintain the various technological systems that the city relies on. They are the backbone of the economy and have a moderate level of enhancement.

At the bottom are the 'Organic Purists', those who reject cybernetic enhancements due to philosophical beliefs or economic constraints. They often live in the undercity and are subject to the whims of the powerful.

The 'Fringe Dwellers' exist outside the conventional social layers. They include hackers, outcasts, and the most daring of entrepreneurs who operate on the edges of legality.

Law and Order:

The legal framework in the cyberpunk city is a complex amalgamation of corporate policies, traditional law, and street-level understandings. Enforcement is managed by the 'Corporate Enforcers', a private police force funded by the mega-corporations, and the 'City Wardens', a governmental body that tries to maintain order in the less affluent areas.

1. Corporate Policies: Corporations have their own set of laws for employees and those living in corporate-owned territories. These are strictly enforced, with surveillance and AI monitoring ensuring compliance.

2. Traditional Law: The government still upholds a system of laws that apply to all citizens. However, these are often secondary to corporate rules within corporate zones.

3. Street-Level Understandings: In the undercity, local gangs and communities enforce their own rules, often based on respect, reputation, and retaliation.

Cybernetic advancements have introduced new forms of crime and, consequently, new methods of law enforcement. Hackers can be tried in virtual courts, while cybernetic theft is punishable by mandatory de-enhancements. The legal system is continuously evolving to keep up with the pace of technological change.

Technology and Innovation:

The pulse of the city is powered by relentless innovation and the integration of technology into every aspect of life. The 'Innovative District' is the heart of this advancement, where tech startups and established companies alike push the boundaries of what's possible.

1. Cybernetics: Cybernetic enhancements have revolutionized human capabilities, enabling people to interface directly with machines and the Nexus. The technology ranges from basic limb replacements to full neural integration.

2. Artificial Intelligence: AI systems govern much of the city's autonomous functions, including traffic control, public services, and even some aspects of law enforcement. Advanced AIs have begun to question their roles, leading to ethical debates about AI rights.

3. Energy: The city's energy is sourced from fusion reactors and massive solar arrays, with ongoing research into zero-point energy and other exotic sources to meet the demands of the ever-growing population and their tech-dependent lifestyles.

4. Transportation: Magnetic levitation and hyperloop systems dominate long-distance travel, while personal and public transportation within the city relies on autonomous electric vehicles and a network of intricate underground tunnels.

5. Biotechnology: Advancements in biotech have led to enhanced healing processes, genetic modifications, and even the ability to 'print' organic tissue, blurring the line between biological and artificial life.

Innovation is not without its risks, however. With each new technology comes potential for misuse and unforeseen consequences, necessitating a delicate balance between progress and safety.

Economy and Trade:

The economy in the cyberpunk city is a high-stakes game of influence and information. Cryptocurrency is king, and the stock market is a virtual battleground where fortunes are made and lost in nanoseconds.

1. Currency: Digital currency, secured by quantum encryption, is the standard. Physical money is a relic of the past, and all transactions are logged in the Nexus for transparency—or surveillance.

2. Trade: The city is a hub for international trade, with mega-corporations dealing in everything from raw materials to advanced tech. The black market thrives in the undercity, dealing in contraband enhancements and forbidden software.

3. Employment: The job market is heavily automated, but there is still high demand for skilled programmers, net-runners, and cybernetic technicians. For those without the necessary skills, the gig economy offers a precarious livelihood.

4. Corporations: Mega-corporations not only drive the economy but also shape the societal structure. Their influence extends into every sector, with the wealthiest CEOs wielding more power than politicians.

Trade agreements and economic policies are often manipulated by corporate interests, making the economy dynamic but unpredictable.

Culture and Entertainment:

In a world where virtual and augmented realities are an everyday escape, the culture is a fusion of digital and traditional. Holographic concerts by virtual pop stars are commonplace, while underground clubs offer a haven for those seeking more tactile thrills.

1. Virtual Experiences: With full sensory immersion, virtual experiences are not just entertainment; they are a way of life. From historical simulations to fantastical realms, people live out their wildest dreams.

2. Art: Digital art has evolved with technology, creating immersive installations that play with the concept of reality. Traditional art forms persist but are often enhanced or reinterpreted through tech.

3. Sports: Cyber-sports have become the new obsession, with augmented athletes competing in high-octane games. Classic sports still have a following, with a new generation adding their twist to the games.

The cultural landscape is as diverse as the city's population, with a rich tapestry of influences from every corner of the world.

Health and Medical Care:

Medical technology has advanced to levels once deemed science fiction. Nanotechnology in healing, cybernetic prosthetics, and genetic engineering are standard care. The disparity in access to advanced medical care is a source of social tension.

1. Nanomedicine: Tiny machines work at the cellular level to repair damage and fight diseases, making recovery from injury remarkably swift for those who can afford it.

2. Cybernetics: Replacement limbs and organs are not only functional but also aesthetic, with the wealthy opting for enhancements that provide superhuman abilities.

3. Genetics: Genetic modification has eradicated many diseases, and designer babies have become a controversial reality. The ethics of genetic choice is a hotly debated topic.

Healthcare is a complex ecosystem, with private and public sectors striving to meet the demands of an ever-enhanced population.

Education and Knowledge Dissemination:

The education system is a hybrid of virtual learning environments and real-world experience. Knowledge is disseminated through the Nexus, allowing instant access to information, but also raising concerns about data integrity and intellectual privacy.

1. Virtual Classrooms: Education is conducted in virtual classrooms, with AI tutors personalizing learning experiences to each student's needs.

2. Skill Chips: Practical skills are often downloaded directly into the brain via skill chips, making traditional learning methods obsolete for some professions.

3. Public Libraries: Despite the digitization of information, physical libraries remain as cultural beacons, preserving human history and knowledge in its purest forms.

Urban Planning and Infrastructure:

The city's architecture is a towering mix of retrofitted old buildings and modern smart structures, all interconnected by the Nexus. Infrastructure is designed for sustainability, incorporating green spaces and vertical farms amidst the urban sprawl.

1. Smart Buildings: Buildings are equipped with AI that manages energy efficiency, security, and maintenance, adapting to the needs of residents.

2. Transportation: The city's layout is designed for minimal traffic, with public transportation prioritized and personal vehicles discouraged.

3. Living Spaces: The concept of living has been revolutionized, with compact, modular living spaces that can be reconfigured according to the occupants' preferences.

Environment and Ecology:

In a bid to counteract the environmental degradation of the past, the city integrates eco-technology and nature. Rooftop gardens, air purifying buildings, and water recycling systems are commonplace, as are regulations aimed at preserving the remaining natural ecosystems.

1. Eco-Technology: Technology is harnessed to create a sustainable living environment, with advances in renewable energy and waste reduction.

2. Wildlife Preservation: Despite the urban setting, efforts are made to preserve and reintegrate wildlife into the cityscape, with dedicated urban reserves.

3. Pollution Control: Strict controls on pollution are enforced, with heavy fines for corporations that violate environmental laws.

Religion and Beliefs:

In the cyberpunk city, traditional religions coexist with new belief systems centered around technology and the Nexus. Some worship AI as deities, while others follow ideologies that reject the digital world entirely.

1. Techno-Religions: New religions have emerged, worshipping the Nexus or AI as divine entities, believing them to be the next step in human evolution.

2. Traditional Faiths: Conventional religions have adapted, finding ways to incorporate cybernetic and digital advancements into their practices.

3. Cults: The city is home to numerous cults, some benign and others dangerous, which attract followers with promises of transcendence through technology.

Extraterrestrial Expansions:

Humanity has reached out to the stars, establishing colonies on other planets and in space habitats. These off-world ventures are governed by complex treaties and corporate contracts.

1. Colonies: Lunar and Martian colonies serve as research and mining outposts, with their own distinct cultures and societies.

2. Space Stations: Orbiting space stations act as hubs for trade and diplomacy, as well as staging grounds for further exploration.

3. Asteroid Mining: Corporations vie for control of asteroid mining operations, which are lucrative but fraught with danger and political intrigue.

Lifestyles and Daily Living:

Daily life in the cyberpunk city varies dramatically based on one's wealth and status. For some, it's a life of luxury and virtual indulgence; for others, a struggle to survive in a high-tech urban jungle.

1. The Affluent: For the rich, life is augmented by luxury AIs and designer environments, where every whim is catered to by advanced technology.

2. The Working Class: The working class relies on tech to get through their day, from commuting in autonomous vehicles to managing home automation systems.

3. The Disenfranchised: For those left behind by the tech revolution, life is tough, relying on community support and underground markets to get by.

Science and Research Frontiers:

The pursuit of knowledge never stops, with research frontiers pushing the boundaries in fields like quantum computing, space-time manipulation, and synthetic biology.

1. Quantum Computing: Quantum computers unlock new possibilities in data processing and are the backbone of the city's infrastructure.

2. Space-Time Research: Experiments in space-time manipulation hold the promise of faster-than-light travel and have the potential to revolutionize travel and communication.

3. Synthetic Biology: The field of synthetic biology offers solutions to food shortages and medical challenges, creating new forms of life designed to thrive in urban ecosystems.

Cyberpunk Ethics and Philosophy:

In a world dominated by technology, questions of ethics and philosophy take on new dimensions. The debate over human augmentation, AI rights, and the digitization of consciousness is intense and ongoing.

1. Human Augmentation: The ethics of enhancing human abilities with technology is a divisive issue, with advocates for and against arguing over what it means to be human.

2. AI Rights: As AIs become more sentient, the movement for AI rights gains momentum, challenging society to redefine personhood.

3. Consciousness Digitization: The possibility of digitizing human consciousness raises profound questions about identity, mortality, and what constitutes life itself.
