

私はBing imege creatorを使って画像を作成しています。

To consistently generate images of the same character, Emma Lawrence, you can create a detailed description of her appearance as part of your prompt. This way, you can mix this description with other prompts to create various scenes featuring Emma. Here's a description of Emma's appearance:


"Emma Lawrence has shoulder-length wavy brown hair and expressive hazel eyes. Her face is oval-shaped with a delicate nose and full lips. She is of average height and has a slender build. When working at the restaurant, she usually wears a simple black dress with a white apron."

Now, you can use this description to create prompts for the two scenes you've requested:

  1. Emma Lawrence interacting with customers at the table: "Emma Lawrence has shoulder-length wavy brown hair and expressive hazel eyes. Her face is oval-shaped with a delicate nose and full lips. She is of average height and has a slender build. Wearing her simple black dress and white apron, she gracefully approaches a table of customers at the restaurant with a warm, welcoming smile, engaging in friendly conversation while taking their orders."

  2. Emma Lawrence singing while cleaning up the restaurant: "Emma Lawrence has shoulder-length wavy brown hair and expressive hazel eyes. Her face is oval-shaped with a delicate nose and full lips. She is of average height and has a slender build. Dressed in her simple black dress and white apron, Emma is tidying up the restaurant after closing time. As she works, she sings a cheerful tune, making the task more enjoyable."




To maintain consistency when generating images of a character, you can create a generalized character description template that can be adapted for any character. This template can include key aspects of their appearance, style, and any distinguishing features. Here's a generalized character description template:

"[Character Name] has [hair length and style] [hair color] hair and [eye shape] [eye color] eyes. Their face is [face shape] with a [nose description] and [lip description]. They are [height] and have a [build] build. When in their usual setting, they typically wear [clothing description]."

You can fill in the details for any character using this template to create a consistent appearance. By combining this character description with other prompts, you can create various scenes featuring the character while maintaining their recognizable features.

Emma Lawrence as a tennis player: "Emma Lawrence has shoulder-length wavy brown hair and expressive hazel eyes. Her face is oval-shaped with a delicate nose and full lips. She is of average height and has a slender build. Dressed in a sporty white tennis outfit and tennis shoes, Emma is on the court, skillfully swinging her racket as she competes in a high-stakes tennis match."

Emma Lawrence as a mountain climber: "Emma Lawrence has shoulder-length wavy brown hair and expressive hazel eyes. Her face is oval-shaped with a delicate nose and full lips. She is of average height and has a slender build. Wearing weather-resistant climbing gear, including a harness, helmet, and hiking boots, Emma bravely scales a challenging mountain, gripping onto the rock face as she ascends toward the peak."

Emma Lawrence as a Borg from Star Trek: Voyager: "Emma Lawrence has shoulder-length wavy brown hair and expressive hazel eyes. Her face is oval-shaped with a delicate nose and full lips. She is of average height and has a slender build. Now assimilated into the Borg Collective, her appearance has been altered with cybernetic implants and a cold, emotionless expression. Dressed in a dark, form-fitting Borg uniform, Emma stands with other Borg drones, ready to carry out the Collective's orders."


