

(The English text is after the Japanese text.)





























Japanese 'ATARIMAE' seen picking up rubbish at the Soccer World Cup.

Japanese supporters picking up rubbish from the stadium after a World Cup match was praised as "fantastic!" 

And when asked about it by a foreign interviewer, a Japanese replied "It is natural for Japanese people to clean up after themselves where they have used." with a smile, It was very impressive that.

Actually I have often thought about this act of 'cleaning', so I thought I would write about it here.
Please bear with me as this is a short piece ✾😊.

It was more than 20 years ago when I was studying in the UK.

The cafeteria, toilets and classrooms of the college were cleaned by people whose job it was to clean.

However, I felt a certain "discomfort" there.

In Japan, when you see someone cleaning the place you are in,
You naturally feel grateful to that person. ✨✨", but I didn't feel that atmosphere from the students there.

Furthermore,I did not feel that the person cleaning up the place felt sorry for disturbing you and would immediately clean up the place and leave.

What I felt there was a sense that they were just going through the motions (someone is cleaning...) or that they were not even in sight.

The person just seemed to be taking the task seriously and
 pay any attention to their surroundings.

Also, in the house where I was homestaying, there were two women of the same age from another European country and every day after they left for school, they would leave their undressed clothes in a mess on the floor in their room.
(In the UK it is customary to leave the door to the room open unless you specifically don't want them to come in, so they could see what was going on inside.)

They were bright and very nice girls who were easy to talk to, but that is why I felt an unfortunate sense of discomfort every time I saw the room with those clothes strewn about.

Where do these discomforts come from when you have this experience? I thought to myself.

Looking back, we Japanese have been educated since we were small children to 'clean up what we use and where we use it at home and at school'.

That is why it is imprinted in our brains as 'it is natural for us to clean up after ourselves', as mentioned at the beginning of this article, and we can do it naturally.

When I stay in other people's houses or hotels, I have  cleaned up the rubbish and tried to make the room as comfortable as possible for the owner of the room when he sees it later.
Because,I have heard my mother's words many times: "It is said that a bird that flies away leaves no trace, so clean up after itself."

And I imagine how beautiful it would be to see a bird flying straight up into the sky, without leaving a single trace of the water around his feet.

However, it's also true that when I was a student in the throes of puberty,
I honestly didn't put that much thought into cleaning at school 😅.

I was sweeping the stairs in a messy way, and I covered the head of a teacher who was coming up from below with dust, and he said, "Hey~! Don't you even care about other people? I remember being scolded and being depressed.

And after that I started to pay attention to my surroundings and clean up.

Because of this, when I saw other people cleaning up, I naturally felt a sense of 'thank you', and this attitude naturally appeared in my attitude towards them.

It is great that many Japanese schools, from primary school to high school still have cleaning contractors and others come in, but that most classrooms, corridors and other areas are cleaned by the students themselves, which is widely practised as part of education.

However, whenever the topic of cleaning comes up in the World Cup, there is both praise and criticism of the act. Some people say, "It's taking away the job of the cleaners!"

That may be so. If everyone who visited the stadium cleaned up perfectly every time...

But, you know, in the end, there are still jobs to be done to wipe chairs, sweep floors and clean, so I don't think the cleaning jobs will actually disappear.

The spirit of 'it's natural the Japanese to clean what they use, which is being translated and popularised as 'ATARIMAE', was born out of the cleaning time in school education!" I want you to remember that.

As a mother who wishes for the rich spiritual growth of her children , I hope that no matter what the future holds, we will never lose the "time to clean our place with friends" from school education.

Thank you for your time ✨
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