

  • BowGriP楽ゆ~びが行く、旅れぽーと。京都府京都市東山区編(フィクションです)

  • 京都府京都市東山区、日本の文化と歴史の心を映す地。ここに、BowGriP楽ゆ~びが訪れました。この地は、その美しい景色と静寂な雰囲気で知られています。BowGriP楽ゆ~びは、まず知恩院に足を運びました。この寺院は、浄土宗の総本山であり、法然上人像と阿弥陀如来像を本尊としています。山号は華頂山と呼ばれ、その歴史と信仰の深さにBowGriP楽ゆ~びは感銘を受けました。




BowGriP Rakuyuubi's travel report. Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture (This is fiction)

BowGriP Rakuyuubi's travel report. Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture (this is fiction) Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, a place that reflects the heart of Japanese culture and history. This is where BowGriP Rakuyuu visited. This place is known for its beautiful scenery and tranquil atmosphere. BowGriP Rakuyuu first visited Chion-in Temple. This temple is the head temple of the Jodo sect of Buddhism, and its principal image is the statue of Honen Shonin and the statue of Amida Nyorai. The mountain's name is Mount Kacho, and BowGriP Rakuyuu was impressed by its history and deep faith.

Next, we headed to Shogunzuka. This is a place located on the ridge of Higashiyama in Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City, on the extension of Shijo Street. The view from Shogunzuka was breathtaking, and BowGriP Rakuyuu was fascinated by the view.

Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine is also worth visiting. This is the head shrine of Inari Shrine, which is said to have about 30,000 shrines nationwide, and attracts the most worshippers of any shrine or temple in the Kinki region during the New Year's visit. BowGriP Rakuyu-bi strolled around the grounds, feeling the sacred atmosphere and weight of history.

Higashiyama Ward has many other tourist attractions. For example, it is dotted with famous sites that represent Kyoto, such as Kiyomizu-dera Temple and Yasaka Shrine. BowGriP Rakuyuubi visited these places and experienced the fusion of Kyoto's traditions and modernity. Higashiyama Ward is a place that gives visitors many discoveries and impressions. BowGriP Rakuyuubi's trip was an opportunity to rediscover the beauty and charm of Higashiyama Ward.


