

Life is an experimental journey undertaken involuntarily. 

Fernando Pessoa, in 'The Book of Disquiet'

 March 22nd is a hugely important day for my wife, daughter, and me. It would come around every year, even if we didn't exist. And each year, the time until the next March 22nd seems to both drag and fly by. As my little girl grows, time feels like it's accelerating. This day reminds me of the miracle born from that chance encounter four years ago. Back then, after two miscarriages, the very idea of life taking root seemed miraculous itself. But our daughter arrived healthy, brightening our family with her adorable smile.

 The day she first clearly said "Mama," I couldn't be disappointed she didn't say "Papa" - she was only seven months old! When she turned one, she fell head over heels for Minnie Mouse, always hunting for Disney diapers at the grocery store. The day she clung to me at her first swim lesson. The day fireworks made her jump. The day she loved Fanta so much, her body wiggled with inexpressible delight.

 The daily grind of parenting is filled with struggles, joys, and absurdities. At the same time, being a parent has made me consider bigger pictures than just myself for the first time. I ponder my daughter's future and the state of the world.

 Kids inevitably outgrow their parents - that's the natural way. So while I hope for her vast potential, I sometimes feel anxious. In this chaotic world, how can she find happiness? I don't need theories or rhetoric - those ring hollow.

 My wife witnesses devastation in her homeland, yet she persists, saying "Now it's my turn to take action." Her strength emboldens me. We lean on each other as a family, taking it one step at a time. Reflecting on this ordinary life, I can't help but wish happiness for our neighbors too. In this conflict-torn world, my family sustains me. I'm brimming with gratitude.

 T&E, thank you always. You're the hope that propels me, the light in my life.



 僕と妻と娘にとって、とても大事な日だ── 僕らが存在していなかったとしても、毎年、三月二十二日は、やってくる。そして、毎年毎年、次の三月二十二日までの時間は伸びたり縮んだりする。娘の成長とともに、時間があっという間に過ぎ去るようになった。


当時は命が宿るということさえ奇跡のように思えた。2人の流産を経験し、無事に産まれてくることが本当に難しいことだと気づかされたからだ。しかし娘は健やかにこの世に生を受け、今では可愛らしい笑顔で家族を明るく照らしてくれる。── 「ママ」とはじめてはっきりと娘が言った日、「パパ」じゃなくて残念だなんて思いもしない。とにかく、「ママ」と言った、七ヶ月のとき。ミニーちゃんに恋していつも西友でディズニーのオムツをさがし回る娘一歳のとき。はじめてのプールで一生懸命に僕にしがみついてきてくれた日。はじめての花火の音にびっくりしていた日。はじめてのファンタの美味しさに言葉がついてこなくて一生懸命に体全身で表現して見せてくれた日。






