
July Reads 2024

✎ᝰ. July Reads 2024

Hello everyone, book bear brownie の Lisa です 🧸


📗📘 ₊˚⊹♡
➀ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew by C.L. Lewis
➁ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.L. Lewis

The 2 books I read this month were both from the Narnia series.

The Chronicles of Narnia series has 7 books in total. A few years back for Christmas, my parents gave the box set to me as a gift. Since then I have wanted to read it and did start reading it but never managed to finish it for some reason.

ナルニア国物語は全部で7冊本があります。 数年前のクリスマスに7冊全部入ったボックスセットを両親に貰いました。それから何度も読みたいと思って読み進めるものの、なぜか途中で飽きてしまって先に進むことができませんでした。

But at the beginning of this month, I suddenly felt like I had to read the series, so I started with “The Magician’s Nephew” which is chronologically the first book but when looking at the publication date, it is actually the sixth book.

それが何故か今月の初めに急に「読みたい!」と思って本を手に取りました。 まずは「 魔術師のおい」 この本は、物語の流れ的には1冊目の本です。 ただし、出版の順番で言うと6冊目になります。

I love all 3 of the Narnia movies and that's basically my only knowledge of the world of Narnia. Therefore, reading this book which is the prequel, answered a lot of questions I had in mind. It talks about the creation of Narnia, the significance of the lamppost, and more.

最初にナルニアを知ったのは、映画がきっかけで、 7冊のうち3冊の本が映画化されています。なので、私のナルニアの知識は映画から得た情報だけです。ただ今回読んだ本は映画化されていないのでいろいろな発見があり、映画化されている内容の前の時代の話をしてるので、 ナルニアの始まりなどを知ることができました。

I was really intrigued by the story that I finished it overnight. I couldn't stop flipping the pages.


I tried to read it so many times in the past and yet I couldn't continue reading it to the end. But this time it was so easy flipping the pages, so I think it was the right time for me to read the book.


The second book I read was "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe"


Honestly, this book was super easy to read because I've seen the movie countless times that I knew the plot and the storyline. It was so easy for me to imagine what was going on while reading. 


Usually books have much more detail, and sometimes movies have their original setting or stories however, while reading through the book, I realized that the movie was actually a pretty good depiction of the book.


I've actually read this book in Japanese before when I was in elementary school. I wanted to see how it was translated and written in Japanese. There was one thing that was very shocking for me.


In the story, there is a scene where some Turkish delights appear. If you don't know, Turkish delight is a type of sweet. Now I think that it has a pretty significant role in the story so I was waiting for that scene while reading it in Japanese. But in the Japanese book, they change the suite from Turkish delight to pudding. I was so surprised, and just couldn't understand why they would rewrite it as pudding. I don't think there really is a connection between Turkish delights and pudding.

物語の中で、 ターキッシュデライトと言うお菓子が出てくるシーンがあります。 トルコのお菓子です。割と物語の中では、重要な意味を持っているお菓子だと私は思うんですが、日本語版を読むとターキッシュデライトは出てきませんでした。なんとプリンに書き換えられてました。 ターキッシュデライトとプリンは個人的に全く共通点がないと思います。なのでとってもびっくりしたのを今でも覚えてます。

This was when I realized that it's always best to be able to read the book in the original language, because they might change some thing that's pretty significant in the story and you'll never know.

そしてやっぱりできることなら 原作をオリジナルの言語で書かれているものを読むのがいいんだなぁと思いました。映画を見ていなくて、原作も読んでいなかったら、私はきっとプリンではなく元はターキッシュデライト だったと言う事は知ることができなかったと思います。

But anyways, I've only been able to read the first two books, but as for the order of reading the series currently I would say that if you don't know anything about the Narnia series, I would recommend reading "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” first, and then going back to "The Magician's Nephew" this is because I had so much fun, reading "The Magician's Nephew", because it revealed so many answers to the questions I had for reading and knowing the story of the second book.

今はまだ最初の2冊しか読めていないんですが、今のところ読む順番としては何も知らない状態なら、先に「 ライオンと魔女」 を読んでから「 魔術師のおい」 を読むのがいいかなと思います。 物語の流れ的に2冊目を読んでからの方が一作目を読んだときに、いろいろな発見があって、楽しい気持ちで読めるかなと思います。
