
英語エッセイ:Why I like learning English





It has been more than three years since I restarted learning English. Over the course of these three years, there have certainly been trials and tribulations along the way, but I have to say, English has made my life more meaningful.

The first reason why I like learning English is that English brings it can enlighten you with the cultural knowledge, even without traveling.though I'm at home. Knowing the difference between Japanese and English educates me about the difference in cultural backgrounds. For example, we often don't use have subjects and articles in spoken Japanese, whereas in English, you must have them.has to have these two. It implies that Japan is a high-context culture where being obscure is considered polite. Whereas In most English speaking cultures, having clear and assertive opinions is required. expected.
The more I study English, the more I find the beauty of in each language.

Second, English aroused my creativity creative side. As I said earlier, I feelamit is expected for me to have my own opinions and express myself when I speak English. This has led to me That means I need to explore exploring my inner self in new ways. I started to keep a diary and read more, I've become more aware of words when I read books, and I tend to thinkthinking about why the author chose this word and what his/her intention is behind the sentences is. It has made my reading experience more exciting and profound.

This year, I am willing plan to read more English books more and preferably write essays like this in English. I can't wait to see where English will take me this year.
