
TOEICで900点未満の方向けに、Slash Readingでリスニングを大幅に向上させる方法を解説しているので、まだの方はぜひ以下のリンクからSlash Readingの解説動画を視聴後、リーディングに取り組んでみてください。

Slash Reading 解説動画: https://youtu.be/5TcRondY9vg

英文解説動画: https://youtu.be/hPvVFELsr4k

英文:英語ネイティブの小学生向けにニュースを発進しているTIME for Kidsから引用しています。


Title: Listen: How Evelyn Glennie, a Deaf Girl, Changed Percussion
Who would like this book? If you’ve ever faced a challenge in music, sports, or any part of your life, this inspiring book is a perfect fit. Kids who like illustrated biographies would also enjoy it.

How would you rate this book? Why? I would rate Listen a 9. Stocker writes very movingly about Glennie’s life. The illustrations allow readers to picture music in their mind. The book is uplifting. It inspires courage. I strongly recommend it.

Who would like this book? If you’ve ever/ faced a challenge in music, /sports,/ or any part of your life,/ this inspiring book is a perfect fit. Kids who like illustrated biographies would also enjoy it.

How would you rate this book? Why? I would rate Listen a 9./ Stocker writes very movingly/ about Glennie’s life./ The illustrations/ allow readers/ to picture music in their mind./ The book is uplifting. It inspires courage. I strongly recommend it.
