
English * Enjoy * Merit * 2

























  1. 興味のあるトピックを選ぶ: 英語の勉強をする際には、自分が興味を持つトピックやテーマを選ぶとモチベーションが高まります。例えば、音楽、映画、スポーツ、料理、旅行など、自分が関心を持っている分野を英語で探求することで、学習がより楽しくなるでしょう。

  2. ゲームやアプリを活用する: ゲームやアプリを利用して英語の学習をすることも効果的です。例えば、言語学習のアプリやオンラインの言語学習プラットフォームを利用すると、ゲーム感覚で単語やフレーズを覚えたり、会話の練習をすることができます。

  3. ネイティブスピーカーとの交流: 英語をネイティブスピーカーと話すことは、スピーキングスキルを向上させる上で非常に有効です。英会話のグループに参加したり、オンラインでネイティブスピーカーとの会話パートナーを見つけることで、実際のコミュニケーションに近い状況で英語を使う機会を得ることができます。

  4. 映画やドラマを観る: 英語の映画やドラマを観ることは、リスニング力を向上させるだけでなく、リアルな英語表現や文化を学ぶ機会にもなります。字幕を付けたり、最初は簡単な作品から始めたりすると、より楽しみながら学習できます。

  5. 音楽やポッドキャストを活用する: 英語の音楽やポッドキャストを聴くことは、リスニングスキルを向上させるための楽しい方法です。お気に入りのアーティストやトピックに合わせて、英語の歌詞やポッドキャストを聴いてみましょう。

  6. 興味を持った英語の本を読む: 自分の興味に合った英語の本を読むことは、語彙や文法を学ぶだけでしたくない読書の方法よりも楽しいです。小説、エッセイ、漫画、雑誌など、自分が興味を持つジャンルやレベルの本を選びましょう。最初は簡単な本から始めて、徐々にレベルアップしていくと良いでしょう。

  7. オンラインコースやチュートリアルを利用する: インターネット上には多くの英語学習コースやチュートリアルがあります。これらを活用して、自分のペースで学習することができます。また、オンラインの言語交換プラットフォームを利用して、英語を学ぶ他の人とコミュニケーションを取ることもおすすめです。

  8. 目標を立てる: 長期的な学習を続けるためには、目標を設定することが重要です。例えば、特定の日時までに特定のレベルのテストを合格する、ある程度のボキャブラリーを習得する、ネイティブスピーカーとスムーズに会話できるようになるなど、具体的な目標を定めましょう。そして、目標達成のための進捗をトラッキングすることで、モチベーションを維持しやすくなります。

  9. グループでの学習やスタディパートナーを見つける: 友人や仲間と一緒に英語の勉強をすることで、モチベーションを高めることができます。グループでのディスカッションや共同プロジェクトを通じて、英語を使用する機会を増やしましょう。また、スタディパートナーを見つけることで、お互いに励まし合いながら学習を進めることができます。

  10. 毎日少しずつ学習する習慣を作る: 英語の勉強は短期的な集中よりも、毎日少しずつコツコツと取り組むことが重要です。毎日10分でも良いので、英語の学習に取り組む習慣を作りましょう。






When I studied English, there were so many benefits!

Being able to have conversations with people from abroad.
Being able to respond when approached by someone from abroad.
Being able to create and share content for an international audience.
Expanding one's network of contacts.
Utilizing English skills for work and including them on resumes.
Being able to directly listen to enjoyable foreign movies in their original language.
Enjoying foreign music as well.
Being able to read books, expanding the range of readable books.
As a Japanese person, being able to differentiate oneself to some extent.
Overall, learning a new language and having fun.
Being able to read simple English expressions.
Learning about different cultures and broadening one's horizons in life!

With all these reasons, I decided to study English little by little,
while keeping up with it. It's quite challenging (^^;;), but it's enjoyable.

I once asked a Saudi Arabian friend whom I met during my university days why he was so good at Japanese.


Then he said, "It's movies."


I thought to myself, "I see," but it seemed like he had a few different approaches to watching movies. That is,

Instead of watching familiar foreign movies or ones he liked with dubbing,
he would rewatch them with subtitles
(or in the language he was learning)!

Don't you ever wonder how your favorite movies would be in subtitles? The important thing here is that you have a vague understanding of the story.

With that vague understanding, even if you don't fully comprehend it, you can still enjoy it by intuitively sensing what they might be saying.

So even with movies you don't know, you can try watching them once with dubbing, and if they're interesting, challenge yourself with the subtitled version! That works too! 🎵

Since I was a fan of Star Wars,

I eventually watched the subtitled version, then the dubbed version, and then the subtitled version again with additional commentary from the director or filmmaker, just to keep it interesting.

Honestly, I didn't understand what they were saying,
but I would gradually study by recognizing words here and there while looking at the subtitles.

What made me happy was realizing that there were subtle differences between the meaning of the Japanese subtitles and the actual spoken words. You might think, "What are they saying?" But the subtitles are adjusted to be more familiar to Japanese viewers, and more so, I found it really enjoyable when I noticed that the words in the dubbed version and the subtitles, as well as the words spoken by the actors, were different.

Also, recently I read this English diary called Boy, and it was really fun to read. The reason being that I never attended an English school, and honestly, I don't have the money to go to one either. However, through this book, I learned that there are people who have studied English with various efforts to pursue their dreams. I have my own methods aside from the ones mentioned in the book, and talking to native speakers can be a bit intimidating,

but I think it's perfect for those who want to study English! There are many things you can do without spending money, as long as you have a phone and motivation.

It was really inspiring, so if you have the chance, please try reading it at the library or if you want to have it at home, here's the link.


And now, as you have become quite familiar, I have received a recommendation for an enjoyable and long-lasting English learning method from ChatGPT.

Me: "Please tell me a fun and sustainable method for studying English!"

To ensure long-term and enjoyable English language learning, I recommend trying the following methods:

Choose topics of interest: When studying English, selecting topics and themes that genuinely interest you can enhance your motivation. Exploring areas such as music, movies, sports, cooking, and travel in English will make your learning experience more enjoyable.

Utilize games and apps: Using games and apps for English learning can be effective. Language learning apps or online platforms provide a gamified approach to memorizing vocabulary, phrases, and practicing conversations.

Engage with native speakers: Speaking English with native speakers is highly beneficial for improving your speaking skills. Joining English conversation groups or finding online conversation partners who are native speakers can give you opportunities to use English in real-life communication settings.

Watch movies and dramas: Watching English movies and dramas not only improves your listening skills but also exposes you to authentic English expressions and culture. You can start with subtitles or begin with easier works to make the learning process more enjoyable.

Utilize music and podcasts: Listening to English music and podcasts is a fun way to improve your listening skills. Explore English lyrics or podcasts that align with your favorite artists or topics of interest.

Read English books on subjects you're interested in: Reading English books that align with your interests is more enjoyable than focusing solely on vocabulary and grammar. Choose novels, essays, comics, magazines, or any genre and level that captivate your interest. Start with easier books and gradually progress to more challenging ones.

Take advantage of online courses and tutorials: There are numerous English learning courses and tutorials available online. Utilize them to learn at your own pace. Additionally, using online language exchange platforms to communicate with other English learners can be beneficial.

Set goals: Setting goals is crucial for maintaining long-term learning. For example, aim to pass a specific level of a test by a certain date, acquire a certain vocabulary size, or become capable of smooth conversations with native speakers. Tracking your progress towards these goals helps maintain motivation.

Engage in group study or find a study partner: Studying English with friends or peers can boost motivation. Increase opportunities for English usage through group discussions and collaborative projects. Finding a study partner can provide mutual encouragement and support during the learning process.

Develop a habit of daily learning: Consistency is more important than short bursts of intense studying. Even if it's just 10 minutes a day, establish a habit of dedicating time to English learning every day.

Um... You're really smart, aren't you? I don't have any English skills, but I still love English. Thank you for teaching me English, and if anyone wants to learn Japanese, let's be friends! However, I'm trying to develop the habit of expressing myself and using English, as speaking and reading are also necessary. So, I don't have much experience in written output, but I will continue to share my thoughts in the future.

I won't be swayed by the label of being a beginner and I'll do my best! 💪

See you later!!

少しずつですが、投稿をしております。 noteで誰かのためになる記事を書いています。 よろしくおねがいします。