Vol.5 感謝の唄 / Thanks Song

感謝の唄 / 作詞・作曲 :BEAST SOUL

伝えたい事 有りすぎて
どうやって 纏めたら 良いのか
溢れ出る言葉の ひとつひとつは 大切な大切な 僕の思い

どうしても 足りない 気がしている
溢れ出す言葉のひとつ ひとつは 笑顔をくれた 君への思い

絶望と思える事 嘆いてしまう事
その度 その一言で 僕は救われてた
例え君にとっては 小さな事としても

伝えきれない 程の 君へ の
感謝を 今 メロディに乗せて
この大きな声を いっぱいに詰め込んで 君に 届けます

前に進む為 君は試行錯誤
どうしても 思いに 応えたい
そんな 道 筋 でのひとつ ひとつが
勢いよく背中を 押してくれた

心追い付かぬ 悩み 途方に暮れた日々
その度 その笑顔に 僕は 導かれた
例え君にとっては 当たり前だとしても

伝えきれない程の 君 へ の
感謝は 今 メロディに乗って
この大きな声が 一筋の光となり 君に届きますように

誓いとは裏腹に 募る不安 ありがとう には ほど遠く
でも透き通る 世界へと 背中押している 明日も怖くない
たった一歩を 一歩づつ

伝えきれるはずもない 分かっていても
ひたすら このメロディに 乗せて
ただ小さく 蹲っては いられない 君に・・・

伝えきれない 程の 君へ  の
感謝を 今 メロディに乗せて
この大きな声を いっぱいに詰め込んで 君に 届けます

◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆English Lyric◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇

Thanks Song / Words & Music : BEAST SOUL

There's so much I want to tell you
I don't know how to put it all together
Every word that overflows is an important, important thought of mine

The words "I'm happy" and "thank you" are not enough
I don't know how to put it all together.
Every single word that overflows is for you, who gave me a smile.

Things that seem hopeless, things that make me grieve
Every time, that one word saved my life.
Even if it's something small to you.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate you.
I'll fill up my big voice and deliver it to you.

In order to move forward, you're going through trial and error
I really want to respond to your feelings
I want to respond to your thoughts
I'm not sure what to do

The days when I couldn't keep up with you, when I was troubled, when I was at a loss
Every time, your smile guided me.
Even if it's a matter of course for you

I can't tell you how much I appreciate you
My gratitude is now riding on a melody
I hope that my loud voice will become a ray of light and reach you

In spite of my vow, the anxiety I feel is far from being able to say thank you
But I'm pushing you towards a transparent world, and I'm not afraid of tomorrow
Just one step, one step at a time

Even though I know there's no way I can convey my message
I'll just ride on this melody
I can't just crouch in a small corner and tell you...

I can't tell you how much I appreciate you
I'll fill up this big voice and deliver it to you.
