Vol.1 時の風 / Wind Of Time

BEAST SOUL オリジナル Vol.1

時の風 / 作詞・作曲:BEAST SOUL

人生と言う海原に 色んな形の船たちが
帆を張り それぞれ進んで行く 
時の流れを 追風にして
希望の地へと 目指しながら

向かい風に 耐え忍ぶ時もあるだろう
それでも立ち止まらずに 1歩づつでも
前に進めば見えて来る その先の未来へと

時の風は誰にでも 平等に吹き流れてゆく
振り向かずに 風を切って進め 
自分が 信じた 航路を

長い航海の先々では 傷つき失う物もあり

うねる嵐に 逃げたくなる時もあるだろう
だけど守るべき者の為に 例えそれが無謀でも
立ち向い進め その先の光射す方へ

いつか長い航路から この船を降りる時が来て
新たな帆を張り 更なる未来へと進んでいくから...

時の風は誰にでも 平等に吹き流れてゆく
振り向かずに 風を切って進め 
自分が 信じた 航路を


◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆English Lyric◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇

Wind of Time / Words & Music by BEAST SOUL

On the sea called life, Ships of all shapes and sizes.
We'll set sail, and each of us will go on.
With the flow of time as a tailwind
As we make our way to the land of hope.

There will be times when you must endure the headwind
But don't stop, even if it's just one step at a time
If you move forward, you'll see the future ahead of you

The wind of time blows and flows equally for everyone
Until the day I step off that boat
Don't look back, cut through the wind and keep going 
Follow the course that you believe in

On a long voyage, there are wounds and losses along the way.
Some get off the ship on the way 
Some lose their ship halfway through the voyage
There will be hard times ahead.

There will be times when you want to run away from the swirling storm
But for the sake of those we must protect, even if it's reckless
I'll face it and move forward to the light that shines ahead

Someday, the time will come when we will get off this ship from the long passage
Even if the wind of time is cut off 
Each will that we have inherited
We'll set new sails and move forward to a better future...

The wind of time blows equally for everyone
Until the day I step off that boat
Don't look back, cut through the wind and keep going 
Follow the course that you believe in

Push forward with the wind of time
