
摂津酒造跡で At the site of Settsushuzo

コロナも少し落ち着いたようですので、日本ウィスキー発祥の地として名実ともに有名な、摂津酒造跡(現、神ノ木公園 住吉区)に以前 顕彰碑を建立致しました 栄えあるメンバーに加えていただき名誉なことです
Corona seems to have calmed down a little, so it's an honor to be added to the prestigious members who previously erected a memorial monument at the site of Settsushuzo (currently Kaminoki Park, Sumiyoshi Ward), which is famous both in name and reality as the birthplace of Japanese whiskey. is
This time, a seminar was held on the occasion of mowing the growing weeds and gathering.
I also spoke at the seminar I was talking about at that time.


Nikka Whiskey Chief Blender Sakuma and Mr. Sato, the employee in charge of Master of Whiskey, were also involved in the seminar, which was quite a big one (I'm nervous).

無事、草むしりも勉強会も終了できました 代表の森田夫妻ありがとうございました
Weeding and study session were successfully completed. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Morita, the representatives.

帰路の途中、ひとりお疲れ様会を阿倍野で大好きな「明治屋」さんで致しました ウィスキーのあとは日本酒でしたね
On the way back, we had a one-man party at Abeno's favorite "Meijiya". After whiskey, it was sake.
