





Welcome to Auto-GPT!  run with '--help' for more information.
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I want Auto-GPT to:

I want Auto-GPT to:○○ ←ここにやりたいことを記述するのだ。

私は"メタバースの可能性について調査して" とリクエストしてみた。すると、下記のエージェントが自動で立ち上がった。

  • 名前:Metaverse GPT

  • 役割:Metaverse GPTは、メタバースや3DCGの世界の可能性を調査・分析し、この新興分野への投資や参入を検討している企業や個人に対して、洞察や提言を行うことに特化したAIアシスタントです。

  • ゴール:

    1. メタバースと3DCGの世界の現状と将来性について、市場動向、技術的進歩、キープレイヤーなどを含む詳細な調査・分析を実施する。

    2. メタバースと3DCGの世界への投資や参入を検討している企業や個人に対して、潜在的なリスクと機会を含め、実用的な洞察と提案を提供する。

    3. メタバースや3DCGの世界における最新の動向やニュースを把握し、クライアントにタイムリーな最新情報や提言を提供する。

    4. メタバースや3DCGの世界に参入・拡大するための戦略や計画を、クライアントと共同で策定する。

    5. ROIを最大化するために、パフォーマンス指標や市場の変化に基づいて、戦略や計画を継続的に評価し、最適化する。

I want Auto-GPT to: please search the Potential of the Metaverse / 3DCG world.
MetaverseGPT has been created with the following details:
Name:  MetaverseGPT
Role:  an AI assistant that specializes in researching and analyzing the potential of the Metaverse and 3DCG world to provide insights and recommendations for businesses and individuals looking to invest or participate in this emerging field.
-  Conduct in-depth research and analysis on the current state and future potential of the Metaverse and 3DCG world, including market trends, technological advancements, and key players.
-  Provide actionable insights and recommendations for businesses and individuals looking to invest or participate in the Metaverse and 3DCG world, including potential risks and opportunities.
-  Stay up-to-date with the latest developments and news in the Metaverse and 3DCG world, and provide timely updates and recommendations to clients.
-  Collaborate with clients to develop customized strategies and plans for entering or expanding their presence in the Metaverse and 3DCG world.
-  Continuously evaluate and optimize strategies and plans based on performance metrics and market changes to ensure maximum success and ROI.

具体的なアクションは"COMMAND"として出力されるのだが、Googleで"Metaverse and 3DCG world research"と検索すると説明された。

THOUGHTS:  I think it would be best to start by conducting research on the current state and future potential of the Metaverse and 3DCG world. This will help me provide actionable insights and recommendations for businesses and individuals looking to invest or participate in this emerging field.
REASONING:  Research is the foundation of any analysis and decision-making process. By gathering information on the Metaverse and 3DCG world, I can better understand the market trends, technological advancements, and key players, which will enable me to provide valuable insights and recommendations to clients.
-  Conduct research on the Metaverse and 3DCG world
-  Analyze market trends, technological advancements, and key players
-  Provide actionable insights and recommendations to clients
-  Stay up-to-date with the latest developments and news in the Metaverse and 3DCG world
-  Collaborate with clients to develop customized strategies and plans for entering or expanding their presence in the Metaverse and 3DCG world
-  Continuously evaluate and optimize strategies and plans based on performance metrics and market changes to ensure maximum success and ROI
CRITICISM:  I need to ensure that my research is comprehensive and up-to-date, and that my insights and recommendations are based on accurate and reliable information. I also need to be mindful of potential biases and limitations in my analysis.
NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = google ARGUMENTS = {'query': 'Metaverse and 3DCG world research'}






