












If I'm going to read the Tarot professionally, do I have to see or hear something special from the universe?

That's what I think about every time I interact with the Tarot. Unfortunately, I've never had someone's voice speak to me while I'm interacting with the Tarot, or suddenly come up with an unexplained idea, or feel something snatch my cheek. And probably never will.
I'm not really psychic or anything like that.

Yet I still read tarot. I don't intend to make money from readings yet, but I get excited when friends ask me to read for them, and readings are always fun. Even when it's tough or I don't see the story clearly, it's simply fun.

I try to connect and expand on the story that the cards are telling me. I try to translate the story as clearly as possible. I feel that this is what reading the Tarot is all about. Even if the exact same cards are drawn in the same positions, the direction and nuance will be different depending on the reader. If there is what is commonly referred to as psychic or spiritual 'something', the range may be different, and I don't mean to imply that those who hold up signs saying 'psychic tarot' or 'spiritual reading' are lying.

But I don't.
I don't have them, so I don't blame myself because of the reason.

I'm still a beginner. So I want to accumulate proper knowledge, and I want to know more about the history and historical background of the Tarot, and the individuality of each Tarot (there are several types of Tarot, besides the Rider Waite Tarot, which you all know about).
Even if you don't know any of these things, you can still read the Tarot (at least that's how I feel), but I'm very curious to know. It's an exasperating amount of information, to say the least. It takes time and is difficult to understand, but you want to know. It's just in my nature.

However, I don't intend to ask anyone for guidance. I may attend one-off seminars or study groups, but I don't like that 'master and apprentice' atmosphere and I don't feel like I fit in no matter how hard I try, so at the moment I have no intention of looking up to anyone in particular as a teacher.
I have always been on the lower left of the mainstream since childhood, and I have zero tolerance for 'girls in a group'. (Some would say I'm simply not very co-operative.)
I love to dance, but I don't think I could ever learn ballet for the same reason.
Humans are too different to me!

Given these two points, I would expect that my tarot reading would probably be in a... very very logical style.
Actually, I myself am a complicated person who is way more emotional than logical, but because of that, I cannot let my emotions get in the way of the subjects and problems that the person in front of me has entrusted with me! I keep this in mind when I read the Tarot. It doesn't matter to them how I feel.

It is your present and future that you are reading, not how I feel.

I don't want to forget this stance, no matter how long this learning journey becomes.

So what is my selling point as a tarot reader? What's my catchphrase? Every time I start thinking, I'm lost in the labyrinth again.
...I don't even have to have that anymore?
