
Dance Alps Festival in Austria〜ダンス漬けの14日間!〜#1Basic Information


オーストリアのチロル州にあるザンクトヨハン(St. Johann in Tirol)は、アルプス山脈の麓に広がる絵に描いたように美しい町です。標高は約670メートルで、キッツビュール・アルプスの山々に囲まれています。古代ローマ時代にその歴史が始まり、中世には塩の交易で繁栄しました。現在では、観光地としても有名で、冬はスキーリゾート、夏はハイキングやサイクリングが楽しめる場所です。また、町にはバロック様式の教会や伝統的な家屋が立ち並び、歴史的な魅力が詰まっています。(ChatGPTより)


成田からウィーンまで直行便に乗り、その後ウィーンからミュンヘンまで飛行機で移動。ミュンヘンからは車で2時間のドライブで到着します。8人乗りの大きなタクシーも利用できるので、グループ旅行にも安心です。 帰りもミュンヘンまで同じタクシーに乗り、ミュンヘンから東京羽田まで直行便で帰国しました。ちなみに、ミュンヘンからは鉄道での移動も可能です。 現地での生活 今回は観光は諦め、朝から晩までワークショップを受けたり、作品を作ったりして過ごしました。しかし、ラッキーなことに最終日にはザルツブルク(映画『サウンド・オブ・ミュージック』のロケ地やモーツァルトの生家がある場所)を観光するチャンスが!この話はまたいつかnoteに書きますね。


木の温もりが感じられる素敵なホテルに滞在しました。バーやプール、サウナも完備されており、快適な滞在が楽しめます。家族連れから大人まで、多くの宿泊者が利用していました。 部屋にはバスローブが用意されていて、それを着てプールまで移動できるのがなんとも贅沢な気分でした。






Basic Information: About Tyrol, Austria

St. Johann in Tirol, located in the Tyrol region of Austria, is a picturesque town nestled at the foot of the Alps.
With an altitude of about 670 meters, it's surrounded by the Kitzbühel Alps.
The town's history dates back to ancient Roman times, and it flourished during the Middle Ages through the salt trade.
Today, it’s a popular tourist destination, famous for skiing in winter and hiking and cycling in summer.
The town is also known for its charming baroque-style churches and traditional houses, full of historical charm.

Getting There

I took a direct flight from Narita to Vienna, then flew from Vienna to Munich.
From Munich, it’s about a 2-hour drive, and larger taxis that can fit up to 8 people are available, making it convenient for group travel.
For the return, I took the same taxi back to Munich and then flew directly from Munich to Tokyo Haneda.
By the way, it’s also possible to travel from Munich by train.

Life There

I didn’t do much sightseeing this time because I was focused on attending workshops and working on my projects from morning till night.
But I was lucky enough to get the chance to explore Salzburg (known for being a filming location for The Sound of Music and Mozart’s birthplace) on the last day!
I’ll share more about that in a future blog post.


I stayed at a lovely hotel with a warm wooden atmosphere.
It had a bar, pool, and sauna, making the stay quite comfortable.
The hotel welcomed a mix of families and adults.
Each room came with a bathrobe, and walking to the pool in it felt like such a luxurious experience!


Breakfast and dinner were served buffet-style.
And of course, Europe means cheese!
There was a cheese bar every night with a variety of cheeses to sample—something that’s hard to do on your own back home.
The Austrian desserts were amazing too!
There were 8–10 different types of sweets at dinner and 4 different pastries at breakfast.
I indulged in dessert so much that my companions thought it was a bit excessive.
I was so full from my morning and evening feasts (two large plates plus dessert) that I hardly ate lunch.
I would just grab some bread and yogurt from the supermarket to tide me over.
I did try eating out once, but the portions were large, service slow, and the prices a bit high, so I only had a kebab sandwich for lunch once.

Getting Around from the Hotel

The hotel lent me a bicycle to get to the studio, but the seat was too high, and my feet couldn’t reach the ground.
I always thought my legs were long enough, but nope, guess not!
In the end, I walked or jogged to the studio.

Click here for the continuation of this blog
