
なぜ世界経済は固定相場制から変動相場制へ移行したのか? ①



またブレトンウッズ体制では固定相場制だけではなく、ドルのみが金と交換できる金ドル本位制が取られました。金本位制とは通貨が金と交換できる体制のことです。なぜ金と交換できると嬉しいかというと、通貨の信頼が高まるからです。日本円という信頼が高い通貨を使っていると感じにくいかもしれませんが世界には通貨の信頼が低い国があります。通貨の信頼が低いとは明日になったらこの通貨が使えなくなるかもしれないということです。通貨というのはただの紙切れです。日本円を平気で持っているのは皆んながこれには価値がある、例えば日本円を使えばコンビニでお菓子を買えるし、明日も明後日も日本円があればコンビニでお菓子を買えると思っているからです。明日になったら「日本円は使えないです」と言われるかもって思ったら誰も日本円を持たないですよね?これが通貨の信頼が低い状態です。一方、「この通貨は金と交換できる」となったら通貨の信頼は上がります。なぜなら金というのは世界で一番信頼が高いものだからです。金というのは日本やアメリカだけでなく世界中で大昔から使われているので世界中の人々が金には価値があると思っています。それゆえ金と交換できるとなったら「この通貨は信頼できる。なぜなら金と交換できるから。金は持っていて安心だ、急に紙くずになったりしない。だからこの通貨は持っていて安心だ。」もちろん金に価値がないと世界中の人々が思ったら金本位制で通貨の信頼を上げることはできないのですが、現状では金が一番信頼が高いので金本位制で通貨の信頼を上げることができます。では金ドル本位制とは何なのか? なぜ金ドル本位制が崩壊したのか?②へ続きます。最後までお読みいただきありがとうございました!

Good morning, I'm Asahi. Today, I'm going to explain why the world, which had since been in a fixed exchange rate system through the Bretton Woods system that began in 1944 when the Allies gathered at Bretton Woods in the U.S., collapsed that system in 1973 and became a floating exchange rate system. Let's get started!

First of all, after the World War Ⅱ(more accurately, 1944), represent of Allies which is 44, gathered at Bretton Woods in the U.S., had conference about system of currency to rebuild world economy. They adopted fixed exchange rate in that. They want to have stability of trade, because during the Wars, trading between hostile country have lost, and there are cases that hostile country had lowered their own currency' value to attack their economy with enemies. As a result, exchange system had dysfunctional situation. What is lowering currency's value? For example, if Japan have lowered their currency's value, and be depreciation of the yen against the American dollar, import products from Japan in the U.S. have rose their price, as a result economy in the U.S. have damaged by not selling products of American companies. This is threat to any other countries, so countries had adopted fixed exchange rate system to stabilize trade and they won't let other countries arbitrarily lower their own currency's value. This system is called 'Bretton Woods system'.

Not only have adopted that system, but also dollar-gold standard, with which countries can exchange only dollard to gold. What id gold standard? Gold standard is system that nations can exchange their currency to gold. The reason why nations have happy to exchange their currency to gold is improving their trust with their currency. Some Japanese people is difficult to felt the trust with currency because they use Japan yen, which have high trust in the world. There are nations which have low trust currency. Trust with currency is 'there is possibility which we can't use that currency tomorrow'. Currency is just paper. The reason why Japanese people hold Japanese yen is many people think Japan yen have value. For example, we think if we hold Japanese yen, we can buy some goods in convenience stores to pay Japan yen, and we can buy goods in convenience stores to pay Japan yen if we hold Japan yen. If we have possibility that we are said by clerks 'I'm sorry. you can't pay with Japan yen', nobody hold Japan yen, aren't we? This is the situation of low trust with currency. While if we can exchange own currency to gold, trust with the currency raise, because gold is the most high trust in the world. Not only in Japan and U.S., but also all over the world, gold have most high trust many years ago. So after system change that we can exchange the currency to gold, we think like this 'This currency have high trust, because we can exchange this currency to gold. Gold don't become trash if we hold so gold is safe' Of course, if people all over the world think gold have no value, gold become trash and we can't improve trust with currency by gold standard, but world don't become this situation, of course not 100% don't become, but so close to 100%. Then what is dollar-gold standard? I' m going to explain in part ②. Thank you very much for reading to the end!
