
被爆地の記録:The Hiroshima and Nagasaki film they didn't want us to see.


The Hiroshima and Nagasaki film they didn't want us to see. -3:26min


The Hiroshima and Nagasaki film they didn't want us to see.

The film Hiroshima-Nagasaki 1945 was created in 1968 from Japanese footage that the US Defense Department had kept hidden for over 20 years. The filmmaker Erik Barnouw offered his 16 minute film to all the US main channels. None of them showed it. Why is obvious when looking at this three minute excert.
The atom bombs dropped by the US on those Japenese cities served no military purpose, as the Japanese were already suing for peace. President Truman, who ordered the bombs to be dropped, lied to the American people when he said that the atom bombs had saved lives and there were few civilian deaths. Up to 200,000 were killed.
Seeing the barbarous effect of these weapons, did our political and military leaders decide to rid the world of them? Far from it. Today's nuclear weapons make the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs look like water pistols in comparison, and there are enough of them to destroy not just cities but the whole world. 
And who has most of these weapons of mass destruction? The only country to ever use them -- the United States.


非核三原則を唱える、岸田首相は、2022.8.1日、ニューヨークで開幕した核兵器不拡散条約(NPT)運用検討会議で演説し、世界の若い世代に戦争被爆への理解を深めてもらうため、国連 グテーレス事務総長に、国連へ1000万ドルを拠出して基金を創設すると表明した。その会場は、閑散としていた。
今、それに変わるものは、NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)だろう。そのNATOの内容も幅も広がっている。

#被爆地の記録 #広島・長崎1945 #米国国防総省 #非核三原則 #核兵器不拡散条約運用検討会議 #NATO #国連は機能していない
