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Thank you to the original Enlighten authors for bringing this work together and for sharing a vision of how these plants can serve to create emotional healing . We invite you to reference the solutions you find here as you engage the essential oils as powerful tools on your joumey to wholeness . Then use the guides to process the emotions , release them , and live in more freedom each day . Thank you for receiving and passing on this life changing message !


The information contained in this book is not intended to diagnose , treat , cure , prevent , or otherwise reduce the effects of any disease or ailment . The information referenced herein is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to and should not otherwise be implied to substitute for seeking qualified medical care . Consult a licensed and qualified health care provider for medical diagnosis , care , and treatment.

The author , publishers , and distributors of this book expressly disclaim any liability arising from the use of the information contained in this book or for any adverse outcome resulting from the use of the information contained herein for any reason , including but not limited to misdiagnosis of any condition or any misunderstanding , misapplication , or misinterpretation of the information set forth herein . In no event shall the authors of this book or Essential Emotions , LLC be liable for any direct , indirect , consequential , special , exemplary , or other damages related to the use of the information contained herein .

Essential Emotions
Your Guide to Process,Release, And Live Free
8th Edition

あなたの清きサポートでますますがんばれます٩( 'ω' )و サポートしてくださった分で見聞を得て、またおかえししていきます。