Casual Chat ~ Birthday and Daily Small Habits

*This blog is originally written in Japanese and translated using ChatGPT. For my friend who knows Japanese, please read the original: 

Hello. How is everyone doing?
This blog post will be a bit different from usual, with more casual chat.
I wanted to write something useful for everyone in this blog (at least at the beginning), but this week I couldn't find any valuable information that resonated with me.
Moreover, this blog doesn't have any stocks that suit me at all.
I don't want to force myself to write something that won't turn out well, and I also didn't have time to organize information, so I thought I would try something different and have a casual chat.
It may seem like I'm slacking off a bit, but please bear with me this time.
As a small apology, I will write about the little habits I usually do at the end, so I would be happy if you could read only that part.
(Note: Actually, in the end, I wrote three casual chat topics and three valuable pieces of information, so it turned out to be quite a content-rich post.)

Casual Chat 1: Talking about being busy lately

Lately, I've been grateful for having busy days. I feel like 24 hours is not enough. I also want to prepare for graduate school starting in September, review my Spanish, plan my trip in August, and work on other projects and hobbies that are progressing in the background.
I've watched several time management videos, but among them, things like postponing unnecessary tasks or prioritizing what to do seem impossible for me. After all, everything I want to do is something I want to do. When I have too much free time, I tend to overthink, so maybe it's better to continue like this. How do you all spend your time? I would be happy if you could tell me.

Casual Chat 2: When You're Too Happy, You Can't Create

I am a person who often has many worries at the core, and I live my life while battling those worries every day. However, recently, I've been spending more and more enjoyable moments, and I'm not worried at all. Part of it is because I don't have time to worry, but mainly, I'm just in a happy mood. I'm enjoying life to the fullest. I'm the kind of person who despises showing off my happiness, but all my friends around me are like angels who genuinely rejoice in other people's happiness, so it's okay for me to write about it.

First of all, let's talk about last week's trip to Disneyland. It was truly one of the most enjoyable days of my life. The weather was great, I had a successful phone call with my fav whom I was nervous about, and everything went smoothly.
But the biggest reason was my bestie who came with me. Love you so much. I would be happy if I could share even a fraction of my happiness with you.

A snap from that day at Disneyland 💜💜

Also, I was super excited when I won tickets to my favorite artist's birthday festival. It might be because my prayer at the temple before that came true. I'm grateful to my bestie who went to the temple with me. Thank you so much 😭 I'm so happy and I love you.

She took a picture of me praying 🫶🫶

Furthermore, I had many other enjoyable experiences during this period, such as getting along with the older folks at the gym, having the freedom to work comfortably because my boss was on a business trip, and having a great time going bowling with my colleagues. Looking back now, I realize that it was all about connecting with the people around me. I truly understand that relationships with others are the most important factor in one's happiness. I'm grateful to everyone who cares about me!

A few years ago, I remember hearing that Tsuyoshi Domoto said something like, "When you're too happy, you can't create." (I apologize if I got the exact quote wrong since I couldn't find the original text.) I have a vivid memory of those words hitting me hard. I think it was probably when I was in college, during the period when I struggled the most. Those words were my salvation, and even though it was tough, I believed that there was something to gain from it and persevered. This week, I can only write about content resembling a happy diary, so I remembered those words. When I'm having too much fun, my blog posts have a decrease in vocabulary and I can't write deep content. I can write profound content when I have serious worries. I'll continue to maintain the balance and make this blog like a snapshot of my life for a while.

Casual Chat 3: Today is My Birthday

Actually, the day I'm writing this is my birthday. Every year, I feel restless on my birthday, worrying about whether everyone will celebrate it and feeling unnecessarily nervous. Also, getting older felt like a burden, and I had this pride where I didn't want to talk about my age. Do you all feel the same way?
But this year, I feel a little more at ease. There are various reasons for that, but the main one is probably that I had imagined myself turning 27 for a long time. And since today is finally here, I had less anxiety and could genuinely enjoy my birthday.
There might be people who feel anxious about getting older like me, so I'll say one thing: planning a lot of things that excite you really works. Getting older and the passage of time are things we can't control, so there's no point in worrying about them. Conversely, if you focus on doing things you want and taking action, you'll feel more at ease. I don't know what next year will be like, but for now, I'm grateful for being able to enjoy this year. It was significant to have my trusted best friends celebrate with me, and I was happy that my family was warm and spent time with me. I won't forget this gratitude and I want to cherish everyone.

Delicious birthday cake 💞💞

Daily Small Habits

Finally, I would like to share three habits that I usually do and find beneficial. I hope they can be helpful in some way.

1. Brushing teeth with the left hand

I am right-handed and usually only use my right hand, but I read that using the left hand moderately activates the right brain. It was difficult at first, but I got used to brushing my teeth with my left hand every day. However, be careful not to rush it because you can't brush properly without taking enough time. I tried using my left hand in various situations, but the easiest one to incorporate into my daily life was brushing my teeth.

2. Taking a cold shower

I have always had poor circulation and would take hot baths no matter how hot it was. But secretly, I've always admired taking cold showers. This is because all the conscientious people I see in videos always take cold showers. A few months ago, I saw it in a video by Makonari-san, where she takes a cold shower after a warm bath. I decided to try it myself, so after taking a warm shower, I finish it off by pouring cold water over my body to cool down before getting out. Since the core of my body is warm, I can endure it. When you take a cold shower, it tightens the surface of your body, and I find it refreshing. I think it's probably good for the body.

3. Writing a Five-Element Diary every night

This has been a habit I've kept up for the past two years. There are various benefits to writing a diary, but it's challenging to keep it going. However, I have succeeded in continuing it by lowering the hurdle with the Five-Element Diary.
The Five-Element Diary involves writing about the weather, the clothes you wore, the food you ate, what you did, and your mood for the day. It's recommended because you can reflect on your day with just five lines.

That's all for this time! It got quite lengthy, but I had fun writing it. I would be delighted if you all enjoy reading it too ✨✨
I hope next week will be an enjoyable one for everyone.
See you next week~
