
英語日記 12/15



I'm in Shimoda right now, on vacation with my Mom and sister. The weather was not very good but it did not dampen our spirits. We are staying in a beautiful ryokan. The food was fantastic!The place is very traditional. I saw geological formations in the area, which were very interesting. I would love to learn more about them. As a working adult, I want to widen my horizon and learn more skills. Being fluent with the English language is one of them. My motivation level is good, although there are low days. I sure would like to be constantly motivated!


英語:I'm in Shimoda on a trip! The weather was bad and it was difficult to move, but the food was delicious and very fun. It was interesting to see so many geological formations, but I didn't know much about it. So I wanted to learn more. There are many more things I want to learn as a working adult than when I was a student. English is one of them. I still have a wave of motivation. However, I would like to learn them one by one.

"I'm in Shimoda on a trip! The weather was bad, making it difficult to get around, but the food was delicious and it was a lot of fun. I saw many geological formations, which was interesting, but I felt like I lacked knowledge about them, so I want to study more. As a working adult, I have many more things I want to learn compared to when I was a student, and English is one of them. I still have fluctuations in my motivation, but I want to take them on step by step."


  1. "移動が大変だった" → "it was difficult to get around":より自然な表現です。

  2. "楽しい〜" → "it was a lot of fun":強調の程度を表現しました。

  3. "地層がいっぱい見れて面白かったけど、知識がないからもっと勉強したいなって思った" → "I saw many geological formations, which was interesting, but I felt like I lacked knowledge about them, so I want to study more.":より詳細な表現に修正しました。また、文の流れをより自然に整えました。

  4. "学生の時よりも社会人になってからのほうが学びたいことがたくさんある" → "As a working adult, I have many more things I want to learn compared to when I was a student":意図がより明確になるように修正しました。

  5. "まだやる気に波がある" → "I still have fluctuations in my motivation":「波がある」よりも具体的な表現に修正しました。

  6. "だけど一つ一つ身にしていきたい" → "However, I want to take them on step by step":より自然な表現に変更しました。


