
英語日記 12/16



It's the 2nd day of my Shimoda trip!! I enjoyed a relaxing morning in the open-air bath attached to my room, visited an aquarium and a museum, bought lots of souvenirs, and then returned home. I had a lot of fun! My sister arranged for a private room on the express train for our trip back, so it was very comfortable. I'm not tired, but I feel a little sleepy. It was a fulfilling holiday! I'm not ready to leave this blissful escape of a holiday.




2nd day of my Shimoda trip! I enjoyed a relaxing morning in the open-air bath attached to my room, visited an aquarium and a museum, bought lots of souvenirs, and then returned home. I had a lot of fun! My sister arranged for a private room on the express train for our trip back, so it was very comfortable. I'm not tired, but I feel a little sleepy. It was a fulfilling holiday! I'm not ready to leave this blissful escape of a holiday.

"On the second day of my trip to Shimoda, I relished a serene morning at the open-air bath connected to my room. Later, I explored an aquarium and a museum, purchasing numerous souvenirs before heading back. It was an enjoyable experience! To make our journey home more comfortable, my sister arranged a private room on the express train. Although I don't feel tired, I'm slightly sleepy. This getaway was truly fulfilling! I'm reluctant to bid farewell to this tranquil and blissful holiday escape."


  1. "enjoyed a relaxing morning" → "relished a serene morning"

    • 「relaxed」から「serene」に変更して、より静かで落ち着いた雰囲気を表現しました。

  2. "visited an aquarium and a museum" → "explored an aquarium and a museum"

    • 「visited」を「explored」に変更して、より活発に場所を探検した印象を与えました。

  3. "bought lots of souvenirs" → "purchasing numerous souvenirs"

    • "lots of" を "numerous" に変更し、よりフォーマルな表現にしました。

  4. "returned home" → "heading back"

    • "returned home" を "heading back" に変更して、帰路につくことをよりダイナミックに表現しました。

  5. "I'm not tired, but I feel a little sleepy." → "Although I don't feel tired, I'm slightly sleepy."

    • 文の始めに接続詞を加えて、文をつなぎました。

  6. "It was a fulfilling holiday!" → "This getaway was truly fulfilling!"

    • より魅力的な表現に変更し、"holiday" を "getaway" に置き換えて、より強調しました。

  7. "I'm not ready to leave this blissful escape of a holiday." → "I'm reluctant to bid farewell to this tranquil and blissful holiday escape."

    • より強い気持ちを表現するために、「reluctant to bid farewell」を追加し、より豊かな表現に変更しました。


