
my favorites from 2023

Hey everyone, it's me again. I was hesitant to write something this year as Sakuma Nobuyuki already approached me to list my favorite songs of 2023 for AVYSS ENCOUNTERS 2023. That's why, this year, I have decided to do something different a

    • BEST SONGS OF 2k22 - for the4thway zine

      It's that time of year again, which means I get to ramble about the new music and artists I discovered 2022! 2022 has been pretty stagnant for me as I haven't released as much as I did in 2021, but I would like to think that anything I rele

      • some of my favorite songs released in 2021

        I know I'm a little late to this, but after reading some entries people have made, I was inspired to write about the songs that were my favorite from 2021. This year has been significant for me, I started making music and listening to a l

      my favorites from 2023