
BEST SONGS OF 2k22 - for the4thway zine

It's that time of year again, which means I get to ramble about the new music and artists I discovered 2022!
2022 has been pretty stagnant for me as I haven't released as much as I did in 2021, but I would like to think that anything I released this year sounded better than the stuff I made earlier.
While most of this year was occupied with listening to music not from 2022, I still found some awesome tracks from 2022, some of which I will share with you in this list ♪

dj newtown - 2005 (Telematic Visions Hi-Speed Love Romance / Letter to the 05 remix)
If you have read the list I wrote on my note for last year, you already know that I am a big fan of the music coming from Telematic Visions!
In 2021 putting his album bluespring up for one of my favorites, and in 2022 there was no shortage of good works coming from Telemavi.
”2005 -TVHSLR/LT05 rmx” stood out to me as it gets right into it with blasting breaks that are sure to get anyone's attention immediately.
The remix goes through various stylistic changes (techno, dnb, J-pop, etc.) within the song, but without seeming out of place.
Thank you for this great track, and I'm sure we will see many more big things from Telemavi in the future!
昨年noteで書いたリストをチェックした人は、僕がTelematic Visionsの音楽の大ファンだってことは知ってると思う!

lilbesh ramko - babbineko!
lilbesh ramko was a name I saw this year posted all over SNS.
When I first decided to check him out, I was completely blown away…!
Initially, I didn't think I would enjoy the type of genre that ramko makes (digicore?), but I was definitely wrong about that.
babbineko! Is such a fun track, and really my only complaint is that it's too short.
babbineko! is dangerously catchy, as are most of lilbesh ramko's tracks (especially the song ”lost woods!”), which makes for excellent replay value.
I love listening to this track in the car. babbineko! makes all my windows shake.
I can't mention this song without mentioning the Telematic Visions remix,
which provides a different take on the song, all while keeping with the type of energy.
I hope to see lilbesh ramko live soon as all of the videos I see of him performing look too fun!
lilbesh ramkoは、今年に入ってからSNSでよく見かけるようになった名前で、初めて彼のことをチェックしてみたときは完全にぶっ飛ばされた。
「babbineko!」は、lilbesh ramkoのほとんどの曲(特に「lost woods!」)と同様に、危険なほどキャッチーで、リプレイバリューに優れてる。僕はこの曲を車で聴くのが大好き。babbineko!を聴いてると窓が揺れるんだよね。
それと、この曲はTelematic Visionsのリミックスを抜きに語ることはできないと思ってる。曲のエネルギーはそのままに、まったく異なるテイクを見せていて、こっちも必聴。
Twitterで見るlilbesh ramkoの動画はどれも超楽しそうだし、早くライブも観てみたい!

Andy pls & saves - C side
Vitamin dose by Andy and saves was an album that everyone needed but nobody knew when it was coming.
This album released on UK label focusonthe featured three tracks, titled "A side, B side and C side" with each track being the pairs take on a different genre.
I swear each track could be its own little album with how different they all sound.
"C side" in this case, was Andy and saves doing jersey club. A 14 minute track with amazing interludes and different styles of jersey sounds was enough to blow me away. the sampling of cowboy bebop OST was a nice touch too.
Not to have a bias or anything but this was probably my favorite project of 2022 and everyone needs to check it out if you have not already.
Andyとsavesの『Vitamin dose』は誰もが必要としていたアルバムだったけど、それがいつリリースされるのかは誰も知らなかった。
UKのレーベル〈focusonthe〉からリリースされたこのアルバムは、「A side、B side、C side」と題された3つのトラックを収録していて、それぞれが異なるジャンルをペアになることで表現している。
特に”C side”は、AndyとsavesがJersey Clubに取り組んでることが面白いポイント。

Gunslinger-R - Makoto
It's hard to not include a CDR project in one of these lists because with the amount of music he makes there is always some amazing tracks in there, and this one is no exception.
Makoto is a song from his project Gunslinger-R and was released on the MAD BREAKS compilation "MBS003: 1st Anniversary".
This song samples the School Days OP, "Innocent Blue" and transforms it into CDRs own song.
The highlight of this song for me would have to be from the 1:50 mark where all hell breaks loose and insane vocal and break chops take over the whole song.
I can't help but move around like a crazy person every time this part happens.
* I will always enjoy a School Days bootleg so I have to mention dj 3.14159 - Skagastol which is another amazing version of "Innocent Blue".
”Makoto”は彼のプロジェクトGunslinger-Rの曲で、〈MAD BREAKS〉のコンピレーション「MBS003: 1st Anniversary」でリリースされた作品です。
この曲はSchool DaysのOP「Innocent Blue」をサンプリングし、CDR自身の曲として昇華させたもの。この曲のハイライトは1分50秒あたりからで、ここから狂気のヴォーカルとブレイク・チョップが曲全体を支配していく構成。このパートに差し掛かるたび、僕は気が狂ったように動き回らずにはいられない。
※スクールデイズのブートレグはいつでも最高なので、「dj 3.14159 - Skagastol」も「Innocent Blue」の名リミックスの例として紹介しておきます。

lhk - scattered words
While it doesn't often happen, whenever lhk makes something new, you know you are in for a surprise. 
All of his tracks are always perfect down to the tiniest details making for a great listening experience overall.
 "scattered words" came out on the deluxe edition of his album, "i feel online" was re-released on focusonthe with some remixes to go along with it.
This track, sampling the legend siinamota (Rest In Peace), is only 3 minutes, but that time flies by with the amount of different styles that are going on in this song. 
My favorite part is probably the jersey club section as it comes out of nowhere and always is sure to amaze me every time I listen to it.
Thank you, lhk and I'm excited to see what else you make in 2023!
紹介する「scattered words」はアルバムのデラックス版に収録されたもので「i feel online」はfocusontheからリイシューされたデラックス・エディションに収録されてます。
この曲は、椎名もた(Rest In Peace)という伝説をサンプリングしたもので、たった3分の中にさまざまなスタイルが盛り込まれていて、聴いているとあっという間に時間が過ぎてしまう。
僕が一番好きなのはJersey Clubパートで、突然それが出てくる展開には聴くたびいつも驚かされる。

DAFTY RORN & CVN - UNHINGED (feat. Killedbykira)
I didn't know much about DAFTY RORN and Killedbykira when I first heard this track played at A/V/Y/S/S Massacre.
But as soon as I heard it, I went to go and look for it immediately.
The live version of this song had so much energy, and seeing the crowd jumping around to it on the livestream made me wish I was there!
正直、A/V/Y/S/S Massacreで初めてこの曲がプレイされたときはまだ、DAFTY RORNとKilledbykiraのことをあまり知らなかった。けど、聴いた瞬間すぐに検索しに行った。この曲のライブバージョンはめちゃくちゃエネルギーがあって、ライブストリームで観客がこの曲に合わせて飛び跳ねているのを見て、僕もその場にいたいなと強く思った。

Well that's all! / 以上!
While writing this, NordOst reached out to me and asked to put this in the next edition of the4thway's zine.
So I wanted to take the extra opportunity to put some other bands I've been listening to in 2022 and 2023. So everybody please listen to テニスコーツ, 後藤慎太郎, 池間由布子, Cymbals, ちんぷんかんぷん, とうめいロボ , biobiopatata, and 5lack
ちょうどこれを書いていたらNordOstから連絡があって、the4thway ZINEに載せて欲しいと頼まれた。

text: ethan / aphextwinsucks
proofreading and revising: NordOst
translation: DeepL



