
Brain Dump: New Year, Old Brain

Let’s start another day of writing with a blog post about you.

You are a plague on my heart. I cannot allow myself to be so engrossed in the idea of spending a life hoping to catch a glimpse of you. You’re a stranger to me after all. Yeh, we spoke and yeh it was fun, yeh it was good. You gave me a friendship I needed then, and I may still need now. We share interests I share with no one else, you’re funny, hilarious and you lighten up my often very dark world.

But this happiness is something I can wish for no longer, you see, my want for you, my lust fir a connection with you is driving me insane. I wish these feelings were as wholesome as I feel like they are but they’re a curse. Falling in love with you counts as a relapse, and baby I’ve relapsed hard this time.

I want you never find any of this out. I want you have a great life without me. Please have a great life without me. When we met, you needed me as much as I needed you, that’s not the case anymore.

I’m the invisible man, but I don’t want you to be as lonely as me.
