
瞑想「ただそれだけ」 愛「ただ愛すだけ」

人々がストレス解消のためだけに瞑想を使うとき、難しさを感じます。人々が静かにしようとすると、多くの考えや感情が意識になり、邪魔されます。瞑想の背後に目的がある場合、瞑想の価値は低下します。目的は期待であり、期待は欲望です。瞑想したいという願望だけで瞑想するべきです。ただ それだけ です。

When people use meditation solely for stress release, they frequently have problems with it. As they try to be quiet, many thoughts and feelings come to consciousness and they become disturbed. When there is a purpose behind meditation, the value of meditation is reduced. Purpose is expectation and expectation is desire. One should meditate with only the desire to meditate; that’s it.




If you meditate without expectation, then you begin loving without expectation. To love someone without expectation is the greatest love. That will happen only when your action becomes motiveless—not less motive, but motiveless. That one action for a fraction of a second, without motive, will bring transformation.
