






私はこのドキュメンタリーは多くの人に見て欲しいけれど、私のように視聴後の大きな心の痛みからSecondaryTraumatic Stress に苦しむ人が増えてしまうのは心苦しく思う。ただ、このドキュメンタリーを制作したオーストラリアのチームの勇気を称えるし、これを観た人が肉食の継続に疑問を感じる機会になって、少なくとも地球上の生命たちに敬意を払い、お肉を食することの回数が減ることを祈って情報だけシェアする。無理だと思ったらすぐ観るのをやめてください。でもあなたが目を背けたその光景はこの世の中を変えない限りどこかでずっと続いて行くのだということも知って欲しい。




Why did I become a vegan in the first place?

This may sound like I'm not vegan now, yeah I'm certainly not vegan now.  I was vegan for about two years, and then I started eating seafood.  However, I have not bought eggs or milk for the past four years. I do eat eggs and milk when the situation demands it, because it is hard to live socially in Japanese society without eating egg- and dairy-free food at restaurants.  However, I avoid meat 100% of the time.

I have known about macrobiotics and veganism from early on because my own sister is a culinary expert. When my sister served vegan food at a restaurant, I was surprised at how delicious it tasted without animal protein.  At the time, however, that was just a surprise, and my life didn't change the next day.  I didn't attach any deep meaning to veganism.  It was as if I thought that the person was bilingual or a Christian, or that vegans were people who were a little different from me.  That was about it.

One day it is meaningful to be a vegan due to a certain event.  We have several cats, including one we rescued at the chance of the Great East Japan Earthquake.  There is an American guy named Mr. Dante living in Okinawa who owned a cat shelter there and I was very impressed with his love for cats and his attitude toward all living creatures. He was a vegan and was very enthusiastic in his promotion of veganism.  

I enjoy cooking by nature, so I referred to his recipes for vegan dishes that he shared on the Internet.  I felt a sense of accomplishment from trying different things then. Dante introduced the Netflix documentaries "Game Changers," "What the Health," "Cowspiracy," and "Seaspiracy.  I felt the joy of gaining more and more knowledge.  I found that a new world was opening up for me.

The Game Changer

And then there was the Australian documentary "Dominion," which I had recommended to view with caution because of its very strict content.  It is a film that explores the ethical issues of human beings with regard to livestock animals. My heart completely collapsed.  But it was important to know what was really going on.  
Within three minutes of the film, I could no longer accept that what I was seeing was real and what goes on in our world every day.  I have never felt so much sorrow from the bottom of my heart.  I was devastated, both physically and mentally, by the fact that I had been complicit in this practice by continually seeking meat for my daily table.  And I still feel that there is no way to justify the continuation of this practice by humans toward animals.
I hope that many people will watch this documentary, but it pains me that more people will suffer from Secondary Traumatic Stress due to the great emotional pain after watching it, as I did.  I only share the link in the hope that the courage of the Australian team who made this documentary will give people who watch it the opportunity to question their continued meat-eating habits and at the very least, reduce the number of times they eat meat out of respect for life on earth.  If you find it impossible, please stop watching immediately.  But know that what you have turned away from will continue to happen unless we change the world.


