

The most popular bird in Hokkaido is Shima-enaga; Hokkaido long-tailed tit
Let’s enjoy bird watching!









In Hokkaido, late spring finally has come !
Now, in the middle of April, cherries have not bloomed yet, crocuses, amur adonises are blooming in Sapporo.
These days we are requested to stay at home by the government due to the Covid-19, so we hesitated to go downtown, however it’s OK to go to large parks or quiet forests. At such places we can enjoy nature while walking. You might worry about boring just walking. But don’t worry! You never get bored walking, if you enjoy bird watching.

For the first time, it is difficult to find birds. But you go out several times, you can guess the places birds might be in. You look at picture books of birds in advance, it'll help you. It is also a good way to participate in a bird-watching party.It is very useful to listen to tips from experienced bird watchers. 

Actually, it is very difficult to find them. They are so tiny and move so fast. They never stop in one place for a long time. I participated in a bird-watching party several times, but just watched them from a distance. So it might be very difficult to take good pictures of them. We often see lovely pictures of these birds. I guess to take such nice pictures, cameramen paid a lot of effort.
After overcoming such difficulties, when you encounter these lovely birds I’m sure you can be so happy. They fly in flocks. Once you find these birds, you’ll see many of them. The scenery is so touching.

Shima-enaga or Hokkaido long-tailed tit is the most popular bird for such bird-watching beginners including me. It is a subspecies of long tailed-tit and can only be seen in Hokkaido.
Shima means Hokkaido. Some of you may have seen this bird in pictures or books. It is as small as a sparrow, and white and fluffy and sooo cute ! It is also called a snow fairy due to its lovely figure.

We are not allowed to keep this lovely bird as a pet because of the wildlife preservation law. If you want to see real long-tailed tits, you have to visit their habitat.

I found Hokkaido long-tailed tits at Nopporo Shinrin park in Ebetsu city, Lake Utonai at Tomakomai city, and Aoba Chuo Park at Sapporo city.
I haven't seen them yet, but it is said that long- tailed tits inhabit Maruyama park, Asahiyama Kinen Park, and Nishioka park on Sapporo. Actually they live all over Hokkaido.
If you live in Hokkaido, why don’t you go out to see them?
If you live outside Hokkaido, after the end of the Covid-19 issues, please visit Hokkaido to see the real Hokkaido long-tailed tits. You don’t need to hurry.They never fly away from Hokkaido.
