
オーストラリアの集中治療医 Georgeの日記(1)〜オーストラリアICUのよくある1日




大体いつも忙しく、僕の脈拍は高めです。(英語ではkeep your heart rate up といいますが、これは単に脈拍を上げる、という意味のほかに心臓がバクバクしている状態を指すことがあります) 当直医からICUでの急変対応や入室に関する申し送りを受けた後に、回診を始めます。申し送りは、いつも短めにするようにしています。というのは、運転して家に帰る当直帯のドクターをあまり長く引き留めたくないので。
















George Zhou : 「Perioperative communication in English 麻酔科医師・周術期看護師のための周術期英語コミュニケーション」の翻訳者。パース在住の麻酔科医師・集中治療医師。日本語が堪能であり、2019年に聖路加国際病院で半年間勤務。

A typical day in the intensive care unit in Australia; keeping the heart rate up

Australia is lucky to have a dedicated intensive care medicine training program and has high quality intensive care medicine. The intensive care unit (ICU) is looked after by doctors who have training in both ICU and other backgrounds, such as anaesthesia, internal medicine, emergency medicine and sometimes surgery. The registrars (equivalent to Japanese residents) are either training to become intensive care doctors or are gaining experience for their own specialty.

Here is a day in the life of being an intensivist on one of my on-call days this week. It is usually pretty active and keeps your heart rate up! The ward round usually starts after the night team handover any major issues and admissions. This handover is brief as we don’t want to keep the night shift doctors from staying too long; they all need to drive home! ICU’s are closed in Australia which mean that the ICU team makes all treatment decisions and prescriptions are only done by the ICU doctors. The ward round takes a couple of hours and my unit usually has around 10 to 12 patients. We try to involve some teaching and education on the ward round for the junior doctors and nurses, especially as the ward round can feel monotonous. After the ward round we take a quick break to discuss the plans and there are some jobs to be done. These include doing procedures such as insertion of lines and extubation of patients, talking to family members and making treatment decisions, liaising with home teams and deciding on treatment plans or writing documents such as discharge summaries.

I’m on call this day and new admissions are reviewed by one of my registrars whose job is simply to attend emergencies and take new referrals. This can be a busy job but depends usually on the activity of the hospital. On this day there are a steady number of new referrals and a number of critically ill patients are referred. These include:

o A male on the ward who is in his 70s with pancreatitis and has developed abdominal compartment syndrome with severe acute kidney injury

o A female in her 40s from the emergency department who has severe diabetic ketoacidosis, a pH of 6.9 and requiring central venous access.

o An elderly female in her 80s presenting to the emergency department with general lethargy but also with a severe acute kidney injury causing hyperkalaemia to 7’s, junctional bradycardia and acidosis requiring dialysis.

o An elderly female in her 80s who has had a laparotomy for small bowel obstruction and is reviewed for atrial fibrillation which she developed post-operatively and is haemodynamically unstable.

o An elderly male with haemorrhagic cystitis requiring blood transfusion, obstructive acute kidney injury and severe septic shock.

One of the advantages of doing intensive care medicine is the variety of admission and referrals that come through the unit; you need to be prepared for everything! As the evening and night comes in, I leave the hospital but stay on call through my mobile. There are great junior doctors in the hospital looking after the patients and I am a phone call away if there is trouble. Overnight an interesting case is referred, and it is an elderly male in his 70’s who has had a fall on the street with severe traumatic brain injury. He is intubated in the emergency department but however on transfer to the ICU he is found to be in complete heart block with a borderline blood pressure. I’m called back to help with temporary pacing. While we set up to do a temporary pacing wire, there seems to be a shortage of isoprenaline in the hospital. The only stock we have has been bought from Japan (!) and it is translated on the back to English. Sometimes Australia has low stock from suppliers of medications and emergency medications need to be bought from other countries. Drawing up the infusion brings back memories from Japan. Sometimes it helps to be able to read Japanese…
