


Is it acceptable to keep animals in zoos?
POINTS:Animal rights 
              Educational value 
              Endangered species 
              Living conditions 

My  opinion 

I think that it is acceptable to keep animals in zoos in terms of Educational value and Living conditions. 
I have two reasons to support my opinion. 
First, it is about educational value. 
In common, wildlife,  especially animals habitats are valuable places, so even if the purpose is for research, human beings should not enter there. 

Such as animals already are kept zoo. 
There is no difference in the educational value of the same animals, whether it is in the wild or in a zoo. 
Second, it is about living conditions. 
Currently, habitats for wild animals are decreasing due to development of humans and environmental degradation such as global warming. 

In other words, wild animals, especially endangered species can hardly breed in the future by the normal way. 
Such a point, the zoos ‘s staffs are professional of breeding and raising. 
They must be helpful for endangered species are increasing. 

For these reasons, I believe that it is acceptable to keep animals in zoos. 
